Twenty Three

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"It's graduation day, ladies!" One of Maeve's close friends, Harry Styles, cheered loudly as he threw his arms around her. Maeve chuckled, pushing away a drunk Harry as she made her way throughout the party.

Maeve walked over to her girlfriend of 6 months now, Hailee, who stood beside Ella by the bar. Both girls had a beer bottle in their hand, chatting the night away. When Maeve approached Hailee, no words needed to be exchanged as Hailee wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

"I'm going to try and find my girlfriend." Ella yell over the music, earning a nod from Hailee as her friend left them alone. Maeve turned around to wrap her arms around her girlfriend's neck, looking up at her.

"We should find Zendaya." She stated while Hailee nodded once again, allowing the shorter girl to pull her to multiple different rooms of the sorority house.

They entered the bathroom where they found a bunch of books smoking, it reeked of weed inside. Hailee grimaced while shutting the door just in time before Maeve pulled her away again. She soon opened one last door, finding Zendaya and Tom laying on the bed, just cuddling. Thank god.

"Good thing we didn't walk in on you guys fucking." Hailee spoke up, catching the other couple's attention.

Tom sat up with a chuckle. "That's true. Nah, we were just cuddling."

"Shirtless?" Maeve questioned with a smirk as her best friend sent her a warning glare. Tom chucked nervously.

"Okay, fine, our shirts are off but we didn't do anything." Zendaya rushed out as she stood from the bed, Hailee covering her eyes since she was shirtless while Maeve only laughed when her best friend slammed the door in her face.

"Let's go, dork." Maeve tugged at Hailee's hand, her other one still covering her eyes as she stumbled on her feet to catch up with the Dawson girl.


Graduation day.

A very momentous day for all college graduates who worked and studied hard to earn their degrees.

Maeve had been stressed and nervous about this entire day for weeks now. Hailee being the only one who noticed. The Dawson girl was currently pacing back and forth, contemplating if she should give a speech or not. On one hand; she wanted to make a difference for other future scholars but on the other hand; she had stage fright and social anxiety and the chances of her passing out midway through her speech was very likely.

"Babe." Hailee called out gently to her girlfriend who ignored her, continuing her pacing. "Baby."

Maeve suddenly stopped, Hailee thinking she finally got her attention only to groan in annoyance when Maeve began to pace around again.

"Maeve Dawson." Hailee spoke a little louder this time. Maeve looked at the older girl who raised a brow at her, patting the spot beside her on her bed. The Dawson girl hesitantly walked over to her, crawling in bed beside her as she curled up into Hailee's lap. "I know you're stressed but you need to calm down, okay? You're going to do great, no one is forcing you to give a speech. It's a choice for a reason." Hailee gently ran her hand through the shorter girl's long hair. "Zendaya will be right beside you, if you're nervous just hold her hand. But I'm sure you'll do great, I have no doubts about that."

"Thanks, Hailee." Maeve mumbled softly as she looked up at her girlfriend. "You're the best." She squeezed the air out of Hailee, but the girl happily returned the hug.


"Nervous?" Zendaya asked her best friend when she noticed Maeve's hands shaking slightly.

"Yeah." Maeve breathed out as she turned her head towards her. "I decided to give a speech."

"That's great!"

Maeve shook her head. "I'm starting to regret it. I should've never said yes, what was I thinking?" She quietly scolded herself.

Zendaya dusted her gown off before taking Maeve's hand in hers. "Mae, you are so smart and so amazing. You will find the words and I'm sure as hell you'll be able to give a phenomenal speech." She kissed her best friend's cheek. "Don't worry, I got your back and so does Hailee. You know if something goes wrong that girl will be on stage faster than the flash."

Maeve giggled alongside Zendaya as she felt a lot more lighter about the situation. "Zendaya Coleman." The announcer said into the microphone. Zendaya's family cheering the loudest as Maeve nudged her leg.

"Go!" She ushered her best friend while Zendaya chuckled, walking up confidently onto stage as she shook the announcer's hand as well as a few teachers before grabbing her diploma, waving it in the air with a bright smile.

Maeve took one big, deep breath. "Maeve Dawson." Maeve had no family here, but the entire crowd was cheering her name as she slowly strolled up the steps. Walking up as she grabbed her diploma, she let out another shaky breath as she approached the podium.

"I was supposed to give a speech today and it really made me nervous." Maeve started out with a nervous chuckle while the crowd laughed softly. She looked to the side, seeing Hailee give her two thumbs up and a reassuring smile that made her feel confident. "I didn't think I'd make it this far in life, especially without letting my past define me. I wanted to make a life for myself, a name for myself and I have. And with this diploma, I'll do far more than just help myself." She paused for a moment. "I'll be honest and say I would've never made it here if it wasn't for my best friends and girlfriend. They've been my rock through it all and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Thank you."

The crowd broke out in cheers and applauds as Maeve made her way back down stage, hugging Zendaya so tightly as they turned around to watch the only other two people they wanted to see her their diploma, Sydney and Hailee.


"Babe, that was such a great speech!" Hailee congratulated as she lifted her girlfriend into the air, eliciting a laugh from Maeve.

"Thanks, sweetie. And thank you for some encouraging words yesterday. You were right." Maeve sighed as she patted Hailee's shoulders. "We got our diplomas, baby!" She soon suddenly cheered as she waved hers in the air.

Hailee soon followed as their friends joined them, waving theirs around too with proud smiles on their faces. "Can't wait to see what our future looks like." Hailee whispered to only Maeve, the latter smiling brightly up at her as they wrapped their arms around each other before kissing each other longingly.

The. End.

It's over
Wow I can't believe it's over.
This book made lots of progress and thank you for everyone's support, comments, votes, etc. More than grateful for you guys and this book was one of my favorites to make but I ran out of ideas.

ANYWAY! This is the end of Hailee and Maeve's journey. You can envision what you want with their future.

It was a pleasure making this book and creating a strong character. Much love y'all <3

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