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Buckle up, it's a long one 😉

Halloween was one of Maeve's favorite holiday's. It was just one of the bests and she loved it. Tonight was Tom Holland's famous annual Halloween kick off party. Speaking of Tom, Maeve was extremely happy that he finally asked Zendaya out. Thanks to her best friend ranting and screaming for 5 minutes straight, she found out that she experienced the best first date of her life and she was happy about that.

Sydney was just going from boy to boy to boy and Maeve didn't have a problem with that so she just let her other best friend do her thing. Fun fact, her friends were both on their way over to pick her up and take her to the party. But Maeve had to change first.

This year she decided to go as Harley Quinn, and might I add, she looked sexy. She didn't wear revealing clothes all that often but tonight was one of those nights that she didn't care if she got a lot of attention. But this time, she only wanted a certain pair of eyes on her.

She had to admit, she did develop feelings for the beautiful Steinfeld girl. The kisses they shared at the beach always made her smile and a part of her did feel guilty for distancing after that too, but not as bad as she did after the creek. Maeve's feelings and past life was complicated, no one but her best friends knew and she liked to keep it that way for now.

Maeve fixed her makeup, adding a little bit of special touches before getting her heels on, adjusting her pigtails before hearing the car horn outside her window. She rushed out the door, forgetting about Hailee who was showering, and going down to greet her friends.

"Girl!" Her friends gaped in shock at her amazing outfit. Sydney stepped out to hug her while Maeve admired her own outfit. Of course she was Alabama Worley (the irony lol) and Zendaya as Morticia Addams from the Addams Family.

"Uh hello?! You look fucking drop dead gorgeous!" Sydney exclaimed while Zendaya hugged the life out of her.

"I'm not the only one!" Maeve countered, looking between the both of them as they all smiled, laughing and getting back in the car to drive to Tom's party.

When they arrived, Zendaya went off to Tom who introduced her to his friends as his girlfriend while Sydney ran off to get hella drunk and to make out with another random guy. Maeve, however, heard the wolf whistles from the guys and some girls who winked at her, checking her body out as she ignored them, walking confidently to the kitchen, grabbing a shot glass and pouring some tequila in it.

"Mae-Mae!" The voice of Selena made her turn around and a wide smile spread on her face as they hugged each other. "Oh it's so good to see you! I love your costume, you look amazing!"

Maeve's face flushed from all the compliments. "Oh thank you, Sel. Hey, Tay." She greeted the Swift girl that she just now noticed who nodded with a smile, waiting patiently for Selena. "I gotta go but you guys have fun."

"You too." They both responded before the girl walked away, gulping down the shot glass as she noticed how Hailee walked in with her friends, dressed as Danny from Greese, except her hair was up in a high rise pony tail. She had to admit, Hailee looked extremely hot in a leather jacket. Flo, her best friend, was dressed as Sandy while her other friends followed the theme as dressing as Pink Ladies. Shawn was a matching T-Bird with Hailee.

"Yo, check out your roommate." She heard Shawn say to Hailee who turned her head along with her friends towards Maeve who took another shot, downing it like it's nothing as she stared into Hailee's eyes the entire time. "She's so hot." Hailee felt an unknown rage and a feeling of jealousy form in the pit of her stomach as her jaw clenched. Now Maeve had noticed this, and she smirked, walking off to find some random hot guy, pulling him with her to the dance floor, pressing her back to his front as they danced together.

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