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Zendaya and Sydney were the first to know about Maeve's true feelings towards Hailee Steinfeld.

"She's so sweet and when we were done having sex, she's an aftercare queen. I mean like, changes the bed sheets, cleans me up, and gives me cuddles." Maeve explained with a dreamy look on her face that Zendaya and Sydney were happy to see. Their best friend was happy. "We've slept with each other two times already and honestly, I think I want to go on a date with her."

"I'm so happy for you, Mae. Hailee definitely is a good person." Sydney squealed as she shared a smile with her two friends. "But I do have one question."


"How big was it?"

Maeve smirked as they all leaned forward, she whispered. "Oh it's big."

"Like, 8?" Zendaya asked and gasped when Maeve shook her head. "9?" Another shake of her head. "10?!"

"Yep." Maeve confirmed, popping the 'p' as Sydney laughed, a proud look on her face as she shared a high five with Maeve.

"Fuck yeah! You guys are dating people with big dicks!" The Sweeney girl exclaimed as Zendaya covered the girls mouth, stopping her from saying too much out loud as they all laughed.

"Speaking of dicks, Niall has been staring at me ever since I found out I have English with him." Maeve rolled her eyes as Zendaya sighed.

"Yeah, I've got the dirt from Tom." Zendaya said and they all huddled close again. "Tom says that Niall wants you back but he keeps saying you're a faggot because of what happened at the Halloween party with Hailee."

"He's a bitch." Sydney cursed and Maeve shook her head.

"If he try's talking to me, I'm ignoring that dickhead. I will literally yelp for help."

"And we'll come running." Zendaya hooked their arms together with a smile.

"How do you think Hailee would handle this?" Maeve thought about it before looking at her friends with wide eyes.

"She would kill him."


Hailee sat in the bleachers of the football field, typing away on her computer while writing down some notes for her math class. Maeve walked up to her, tapping her shoulder as Hailee turned to her with a smile.

"Hey." She removed her headphones and Maeve leaned down to kiss her lips softly. "I could get used to that."

"Me too." Maeve hummed and took a seat next to Hailee, laying her head on her shoulder. The football team made their way out to practice, Sydney being a cheerleader along with Zendaya who were having their own practice on the sidelines. "What are you doing?"

"Studying." Hailee answered and wrapped an arm around the shorter girls shoulders. "For the math test next week. Do you understand everything or do you need your amazing tutor to teach you?"

"Oh ha ha." Maeve rolled her eyes playfully as Hailee smiled, chuckling when Maeve pushed her arm away. "Actually, no. I think I've got everything down."

"Then I expect a C or higher on that test." Hailee smiled and Maeve rolled her eyes again.

"Shut up." They both leaned in for another kiss, pulling apart in time for when a football almost hit them but hit the seat right below them. The two girls looked up to see an angry Niall who threw it out of jealousy. Sydney and Zendaya exchanging worried glances as Tom tried stopping him from throwing another one.

"What's your problem?!" Maeve yelled, standing on the bleachers as Hailee put all her stuff away, keeping a dead glare on Niall who did the same back to her.

"You, you faggot!" Niall yelled as the coach started running over to him.

"What'd you say?" Hailee stood up and Maeve looked at her, putting a hand on her chest to stop her from marching down there and beating the shit out of the Irish boy.

"You heard me! Don't be a pussy! Come on!" Niall egged on and Hailee started walking down but Maeve kept trying to stop her while Shawn and Tom pulled Niall back. Zendaya and Sydney running to stop an angry Hailee.

"Hey, hey! Stop it!" The coach yelled as he blew his whistle between Niall and Hailee. "You pull some shit like this again and you're off the team." He pointed at the linebacker who just glared at the girls on the bleachers.

"Fuck you." Niall growled as Hailee stuck her finger up.

"Suck my dick." Hailee said and Niall began to charge at her, the girls moving out the way as Hailee jumped off the bleachers, Niall running after her as the two started getting in a fist fight. Hailee tackling him to the ground and punching him multiple times over and over again as Tom had to step in with the coach, pulling her off as she wiped the blood off her lip that dropped from her nose. Her knuckles all bloody and bruised as Maeve watched with wide eyes. Niall groaned as the coach sent him to the nurses office with the help of Shawn.

Hailee snatched her bag up and walked with anger still boiling inside her off the football field, ignoring her friends calling for her but Maeve chased after her.

"Hailee." Once her name left her mouth, Hailee stopped in her tracks, turning to the girl she fought for.

"What?" Hailee snapped softly as Maeve walked towards her, pulling her by her neck in close for a hug, burying Hailee's face in her neck. Hailee immediately melted into it, wrapping her arms around her waist and closing her eyes, dropping her bag to the ground.

"He got what he deserved." Maeve whispered soothingly in her ear, stroking her back as she kissed the side of her head.

Hailee let out a deep breath, pulling the shorter girl even closer to her, Maeve's arms around her neck as they hugged, leaning against the bleachers to truly relax into each others touch. Tom and Maeve's best friends went to find them, seeing them hugging made them stop and watch with a soft gaze.

"Is Hailee gonna be okay?" Tom asked, worried for his friend.

"Yeah. She's got Maeve." Sydney and Zendaya said in unison as they watched the girls pull away, Maeve holding Hailee's face, inspecting the injuries and wiping the blood off her face with her thumbs, bringing a weak smile onto Hailee's face.

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