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When Hailee woke up, she could hear the water running from the shower in the bathroom. She already knew it was Maeve since the bed was empty beside her. She sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly where her dark bags starting forming as she went over to her closet. The math test happened to be today, so she wanted to wear something a little more comfortable.

She threw on a pair of sweats with her flannel and tank top underneath, a beanie on her head after she brushed her hair. She put her necklace on and just ignored putting on any makeup for today and collapsing back onto the bed, closing her eyes.

She heard Maeve step out of the bathroom, who clutched her towel around her body as she searched for something to wear today. Maeve finally decided on some shorts an oversized tee from Hailee's closet, throwing a jacket over it.

When she finished getting ready she walked over to Hailee, sitting on the edge of the bed. "How do you feel?"

"Like shit." Hailee answered honestly. "I'm so exhausted but I'm ready for the math test." She say up and Maeve placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Well I got up early this morning and made you a coffee if you want it." Hailee nodded her head at question, Maeve getting up and grabbing the mug from the coffee maker. "Here."

Hailee took small sips, feeling the warm liquid hit the back of her throat as the caffeine kicked in a little in her system. She looked at her phone, seeing a missed call from her best friend, she decided to call back as Maeve laid in her lap.

"Hello?" Her groggy, raspy voice rang through to Flo.

"Hey, how are you? I heard about the fight a couple days ago but I've been so busy."

"Don't worry about it." Hailee waved off, sipping her coffee again as Maeve watched her on the phone. "I'm doing fine. My nose is healed and my knuckles are too but I'm just really tired." She rubbed her eyes.

"Ah, I get that. Well, get some rest after classes today. Good luck on your math test today. Oh and hey! We should meet up, I think you'll want Maeve to meet us if this little thing of yours keeps getting serious." Flo's voice was in a teasing tone that made Hailee smile.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Hailee glanced at the girl who watched her. "I gotta go though, thank you too, by the way. Bye, Flo."

"You want me to meet your friends?" Maeve asked shyly as Hailee nodded.

"I don't know, we're technically not together but that doesn't mean I don't want to be, I just-" Hailee was cut off by Maeve kissing her lips softly. "Mm."

"You're so cute but I need you to shut up right now. My turn to talk." Maeve said and Hailee immediately went quiet, Maeve sitting up as she let out a breath. "I like you, Hailee, I really do." She expressed and hope shined in Hailee's eyes. "No one's made me feel this way before, not even Niall, and I'm willing to explore this new feeling. With you." She grabbed her hand. "It just might take a lot of time for me to open up, but I'm willing to take a chance on this. On us." Hailee smiled at that. "But I want you take me on a date first before asking me to be your girlfriend."

"Why do I have to ask?" Hailee smirked teasingly as she tilted her head playfully.

"Because I said so." Maeve shrugged and got up from the bed. "Now let's go, you dork, we've got classes soon."


Hailee let out a shaky sigh as the math test was handed to her. Maeve turned around to give her an encouraging smile that she returned since Maeve used to struggle.

The questions were somewhat easy, Hailee blasted through them and was the first one to finish, earning shocked looks from a few peers in the class. Maeve was proud and second to finish, feeling confident in her answers as she sat back down after giving it to the teacher, pulling her phone out and texting Hailee.

Hailee smiled when she received the text, the heart popping up next to Maeve's name as her contact name. They spent the rest of their free time in that period texting each other. By next period, Hailee was asking to use the bathroom, and meeting up with Maeve in there. When she walked in, it was empty beside the shorter brunette who sat on the sink counter, eating a bag of sour patch kids while scrolling on her phone. Maeve glanced up when she saw Hailee, a smile on her face as Hailee walked over to her.

"Well hello." Hailee smiled as she leaned on the counter between Maeve's legs, kissing her lips softly, Maeve holding her head close as her legs slowly wrapped around her waist. "Now why the hell are you skipping class?"

"I'm bored, I miss you, and I hate English." Maeve answered with a bored tone that Hailee laughed at.

"You paid for this class, go to it." Hailee said and Maeve groaned.

"But I don't want to." Hailee leaned in to whisper in the shorter girl's ear.

"I'll reward you." Maeve immediately jumped up at that and grabbed her stuff, rushing out the bathroom door.

"Byeeee, I'll see you later, babe." Maeve blew a kiss as Hailee smiled widely, shaking her head with a chuckle at the girl she liked.


"Hailee!" The sound of Maeve yelling the taller girl's name was what jolted her awake at the lunch table she was falling asleep at. Seeing Maeve running over to her with a paper in her hand. "Look." She proudly set her math test in front of Hailee who saw that the grade was a B-.

"Maeve. Nice job!" Hailee smiled, high fiving Maeve who giggled, slipping the test back in her bag.

"This." Maeve pulled out another paper. "Is yours." Hailee looked over her own math test, seeing no red marks which meant she got a perfect 100, an A. "Nice job, Ms. Smarty pants." Maeve joked as Hailee rolled her eyes playfully, tucking her own test away.

"Hungry? 'Cause I'm not." Hailee pushed her tray towards Maeve who examined the lunch today. It was a small container with chicken drumsticks and macaroni. A little bit of fruit on the side with a water bottle and a sprite as well.

"Mm sure." Maeve shrugged, beginning to eat the macaroni as Hailee took a sip of the energy drink in her hand, directing her gaze to the cloudy sky above her. "What's on your mind?" The shorter girl asked, noticing the distant look on Hailee's face.

"Nothing much, honestly. I guess I'm just still really tired." Hailee sighed into her hands, feeling a warm hand on her wrist, opening her eyes to see Maeve smiling softly at her.

"I get that." She waved off and fed Hailee a small piece of fruit which she did eat, seeing her friends approach the table.

"Sup Haiz." Shawn greeted as him and Hailee did a handshake, Flo taking a seat with Taylor and Selena next to Hailee. Maeve checking her phone to see who texted her, an unknown message.

Maeve, sweetie, it's mom...

Her eyes widened as she shut her phone off, ignoring it as her palms suddenly felt sweaty, her heart raced uncontrollably and her leg started shaking.

Hailee noticed her behavior. "Hey. You okay?" She asked and Hailee's friends glanced at Maeve who looked everywhere but the people in front of her.

"I uh gotta go." She fumbled to grab her bag, pushing the tray away as she almost tripped on her own feet.

"Hey." Hailee stood up, grabbing her wrist gently and pulling her towards her. "Is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah." She glanced at the other people staring at her. "I just gotta go." Maeve gave an apologetic look as Hailee nodded in understanding. Maeve left but not without giving Hailee a kiss on the lips, leaving off in a hurry.

"What's wrong with her?" Shawn asked, leaning his arm in Hailee's shoulder who stood there, watching Maeve's figure slowly disappear.

"I don't know." She answered worriedly.

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