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The sound of people talking filled Maeve's ears as she sat across the booth with her girlfriend, Hailee, who chatted away with Tom about their Minecraft world. Zendaya and Maeve stared at each other across the table, an unamused look on their faces.

"How about we talk about anything other than video games?!" Zendaya announced loudly and sarcastically, catching their partners attention. Tom smiled sheepishly, wrapping an arm around his girlfriends shoulders while Maeve raised a brow at Hailee, Hailee shrugging her shoulders and avoiding eye contact.

"Now that we have your attention..." Maeve trailed off, forcing Hailee's arm around her shoulders. The Steinfeld girl complying and pulling her girlfriend into her side. "We should go on a double date together. Tonight. At the local fair that's going on."

"I love that idea!" Zendaya gushed, the two best friends sharing a smile. Tom and Hailee shared a look.

"I don't know- yep, we're going." Hailee cut herself off when she noticed Maeve's glare. It sent shivers down her spine as she nodded mindlessly. "Can't wait, baby!" She faked and kissed her girlfriends cheek with a nervous grin.

Maeve rolled her eyes playfully, holding Hailee's hand which made the latter relax. "What do you guys say? Tonight, 7pm?"

"Yeah." Tom nods, sharing a look with his girlfriend who smiled eagerly. "Let's do it!" He high fives Hailee while the other girls just smile at their partners actions.


When the four of them arrived at the fair, Tom and Zendaya immediately slipped off to go on rides, meanwhile, Maeve and Hailee decided to take things slow.

"What're we thinking?" Hailee asked, Maeve lacing their fingers with a smile, swinging their hands between them as they walked around. "Food? Rides? Games? Shopping?"

"Whatever you want, babe. You pick." Maeve stated, kissing Hailee's cheek, causing the latter to blush slightly.

"Let's go with..." Hailee trailed off, looking around before deciding. "Games." Maeve smiled and nodded, leading her girlfriend off to the games, their first stop was the bottle toss. "Oh, I suck at this one."

"Me too, but it's okay, don't worry." Maeve reassured, making Hailee smile as her girlfriend paid the booth manager, grabbing her rings and tossing them. All of the rings made it onto a bottle, making Hailee's jaw drop.

"You suck, huh?" Hailee teased, the Dawson girl blushing shyly with a small shrug that made both girls laugh. Maeve pointed to the stuffed otter, grabbing it as she handed it to Hailee. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because I won it for you. Duh." Maeve rolled her eyes, making Hailee blush and giggle as she held the otter close, grabbing Maeve's hand and leading over to a series of games to play together.


"I think we should meet with Tom and Z after this." Maeve stated, scooting closer to Hailee as they both sat in the seats of the Ferris Wheel. Hailee's arm was around the smaller girl's shoulders, bringing her closer to keep her warm as they both admired the sunset happening in front of them.

"I agree." Hailee whispered, smiling down at Maeve who felt her gaze on her, looking up and making eye contact with the brunette. "You're so beautiful."

"You're such a flirt." Maeve teased, placing a hand on Hailee's neck to gently pull her close to her, placing their lips together as they shared a slow, passionate kiss. It was loving, and sweet all at once as they made their way back down to the ground.

"You love it." The Steinfeld girl smirked, kissing Maeve's nose, cheek, and forehead. The younger girl smiled wider, looking at Hailee.

"So true." She breathed out, shaking her head as she pulled Hailee back in for another passionate kiss.

Short chapter but HEY ITS AN UPDATE! Sorry y'all, it's been a little while for this book, I didn't forget, trust me. Honestly... I've been busy, if you can't tell.

But thank you for your patience, hopefully I can keep updating this book 🫶🏻 even if it's almost over anyway 🥺

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