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Maeve loved the warmth of the girl underneath her. Hailee Steinfeld, her enemy/rival, was naked under her, looking so cute asleep. Maeve wasn't a feelings person, but god she was really falling for this girl. She didn't want last night to be a one time thing.

Maeve never really experienced love. Not even with Niall (mostly because he was an unloveable asshole) but she didn't even feel love with her parents either. She was an only child. Didn't have any siblings and because her parents were an only children as well, it was just her and her parents growing up.

She didn't have the best childhood. Her dad being an alcoholic while her mom was addicted to drugs and any other gateway drug. The house always reeked of weed or alcohol, and whenever she'd go to school, she had the help of her friends to spray a shit ton of perfume to at least mask the smell but it never really died down completely. It stuck to her and she hated it.

Her mom and dad hated her and she hated them. They had their days very rarely (maybe once a year rare) where they'd treat her like their actual daughter before turning back to their stone cold, drunk selves. It hurt Maeve, the fact that she had no other family member to contact. She lost all her grandparents when she came out as bisexual. She was lucky her friends stuck around.

I guess you can see why it's so hard for her to love.

But for some reason, she felt like it came easy with Hailee. Hailee was some sort of magnet that just attracted her, mentally and physically. Mentally; her mind craved the feeling of her love, her sweet words, her smile, her laugh, to experience those couple moments with her. Physically; she had a desire to feel her, to be near her or constantly touching her. Whether that be sexually or not, she craved it.

Hailee was like her drug. And she was addicted. In a good way, though, of course.

Just when she was about to move, a shiver went down Maeve's spine when she heard the low, raspy voice coming from Hailee. "Where are you going?" Said girl, rolling on her side, seeing Maeve's beautiful body sitting on the edge of the bed, her head turned towards her as she looked over her shoulder at the taller girl.

"Bathroom." Maeve answered and stood up, placing a hand on Hailee's cheek for a moment with a small smile. "I'll be back, don't worry. I told you I'm not running." Hailee returned the smile, watching the girl walk off to the bathroom. Hailee decided that now she was wide awake, so she got up, throwing on a new pair of boxers with some jeans, a sports bra and leaving her shirt off. It was too hot. (We'll ignore the fact that she only wants to see Maeve check out her abs again).

Maeve brushed her teeth as she threw a bra and panties on, walking out of the bathroom as she ran a hand through her long hair, walking over to her closet. Hailee stared at the mostly naked girl, biting her lip softly before moving a hand up to cover her eyes, giving her some respected privacy.

Maeve threw on a crop top with her favorite sweats, turning to see Hailee covering her eyes, made her smile. She rested her hands on her hips, tilting her head at the girl on the bed. "You can look. Nothing you haven't seen before now." Maeve winked as Hailee chuckled, removing her hand to see Maeve's outfit, smiling at it. "What?" The Dawson girl asked when she noticed her staring.

"You just look cute." Hailee stood up and walked over to the shorter girl who had a blush on her cheeks but a small smile nonetheless.

"And you..." Maeve trailed off as her eyes wandered to Hailee's abs (like predicted) and smile. "Are hot."

"You know, I'm kinda liking this sudden side of you, princess." Hailee chuckled as Maeve rolled her eyes playfully, punching her bicep lightly before tossing Hailee a shirt.

"Put it on. I don't need other girls seeing you like that."

"You jealous? Want me all for yourself?" Hailee cockily said as Maeve scoffed, ignoring the way her heart fluttered.

"What? No. What made you think that?" Although, Hailee's smirk never left, so Maeve rolled her eyes. "Put the fucking shirt on, I want breakfast." She soon demanded and Hailee, once again, obeyed her command with a laugh, pulling the shirt over her head and allowing the smaller girl to lead her out their dorm room.


The line in Starbucks wasn't long, the drive thru was however and Hailee just decided to pull into the parking lot, opening the car door for Maeve, who was scrolling on her phone. Hailee grabbed Maeve's hand, intertwining their fingers, a gesture that made them both smile as they walked inside.

"What do you want?" Hailee asked, pulling her wallet out as she eyed the menu.

"Mango dragonfruit lemonade, please." Hailee raised a brow at Maeve who sighed. "What?"

"No food? You said you were hungry."

"Now I'm not."

"You're eating." Hailee decided and Maeve couldn't help the small smile that came on her face as she playfully rolled her eyes. "And why lemonade? Don't you want, like, a coffee or something?"

"I don't like coffee." Maeve blunted while Hailee chuckled, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders, who unconsciously leaned into her touch, texting her friends at the same time.

After Hailee ordered for them and got their food, they decided to sit in her car to eat. Maeve was leaned up against the car door, taking a bit from her grilled cheese and sipping her lemonade.

Hailee glanced at the girl, pushing her seat back and sighing softly. "Did last night mean anything to you?" She finally asked the Dawson girl who immediately turned to her, putting her phone down to focus her attention on her. "I just want to know if that's not going to be, like, a one time thing."

"You want it to happen more often?" Maeve teased, a tone of playfulness in her voice as she tried her best not to smile when Hailee's face flushed slightly, stuttering over her words.

"Uh well I-" Hailee sighed into her hands, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks as Maeve laughed softly, shaking her head and reaching her hands up to hold Hailee's face, who made eye contact with her.

"I hate feelings, Steinfeld." Maeve started. "But if you're asking if I felt anything last night with you? Then yes." She hesitantly answered and watched as a flash of hope shined in Hailee's eyes. "I don't quite understand it, Hailee, so if I shut you out you can't get mad at me."

"Okay." Hailee nodded and they stayed like that, Hailee relaxed with Maeve's hands on her face while they stared at each other with stars in their eyes.

Maeve made the first move in leaning forward, kissing the other girl's lips softly as Hailee smiled into it, her arm slowly wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer.

When they pulled away, Maeve placed a hand on Hailee's chest to stop her from leaning in again so she could sip her lemonade while Hailee chuckled, her smile never leaving which eventually made Maeve smile.

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