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Hailee was rudely awoken by her girlfriend smacking a pillow on her. Yes, girlfriend. The two made it official about a week ago and everything just felt right. Except for the feeling that Hailee was continuing to fall deeply in love with the Dawson girl but we'll ignore that for a moment.

"Mae-" Hailee was cut off by another smack, her hair a mess as Maeve giggled, tossing the pillow aside and jumping on the bed, sitting up to straddle Hailee's stomach.

"Good morning!" She answered cheerfully while Hailee kept her grumpy face. "Oh don't be such a grump, come on! Time to get up."

"You know you could've asked nicely." Hailee growled and pushed her girlfriend off her, resulting in Maeve being on the ground. But the Dawson girl just laughed, standing straight up and watching Hailee.

"Where's the fun in that?" Hailee gave her girlfriend a side eye, a small glare on her face.

"You know-" Hailee began, her own playfulness bursting through. "When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I thought you'd be one of those sweet, loving girlfriends who wakes me up with kisses." Hailee smirked as Maeve scowled, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, well, too bad! You're stuck with me!" Maeve jumped on the taller girl's back, Hailee catching her and holding her up by her thighs.

"I guess I'm okay with that." Hailee jokingly sighed, walking towards the bathroom, settling Maeve down on the counter. Hailee rested in between her legs, placing her hands on either side of her girlfriend. "So... am I going to shower alone or are you joining me?"

"Obviously joining you." Maeve smirked and kissed Hailee as she helped undress the taller girl and herself before they both hopped in the shower together.


Hailee was drying her hair, scrolling through her phone when Maeve walked out. The Dawson girl smiled, snatching Hailee's phone out of her hand as the taller girl groaned.

"What the fuck, Maeve?" Hailee tried reaching for it but Maeve pulled back.

"Ah ah." She shook her head at Hailee. "Today is a no phones day. It's Sunday, let's go do something together." She pouted, knowing her girlfriend would give in. And as predicted, Hailee did give in, letting out a sigh and a small nod. Maeve squealed, kissing Hailee's face over and over again which eventually made the Steinfeld girl smile. "Great! Now, let's go get something to eat."


After getting donuts, Maeve decided to drive Hailee all over town which was fun, Hailee was glad she didn't have her phone to distract her from these moments with her official girlfriend. She noticed how wide Maeve's smile got with each new adventure, how her eyes would twinkle in the sunlight, and how her body craved Hailee's touch. Maeve was always reaching for Hailee's hand or curling up into her side to just be near her.

Hailee knew that she wasn't this way with anyone else but her or her friends. And Hailee loved that. She loved her.

"Babe?" Maeve waved her hand in Hailee's face as they stood together in the park, the rain puddles surrounding them. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Hailee smiled, kissing Maeve's forehead. "I'm good, baby." Hailee soon grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the car and leaning against it, leaning down to kiss Maeve. The shorter girl immediately smiled, wrapping her arms around Hailee's neck.

"I really, really, really love kissing you." Maeve breathed out with a slight chuckle and a blush from the kiss while Hailee smiled more brightly, kissing both of Maeve's cheeks.

"Me too." Hailee whispered before squinting her eyes. "Kissing you, I mean. It's not possible for me to kiss myself- you know what? I think I'm going to shut up now." Hailee rambled cutely and stopped when Maeve was smiling with raised eyebrows, leaning down for another kiss to stop herself from saying anything more stupid.

"You're something else, Steinfeld."

Sorry for the short chapter :/
This was unedited

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