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"I wanna teach you to skate." Hailee stated as she slipped on an oversized shirt over her black long sleeved. Maeve looked up, eyeing her like she was crazy. "What? It'll be fun, we'll drive up the beach and everything. I know the perfect skate park to teach you."

"No, thank you." Maeve muttered, moving her eyes back to the magazine in her hands. Hailed sighed, setting her skateboard down as she plopped down in bed next to her girlfriend, looking up at the Dawson girl with pleading eyes.

"Please." She begged and Maeve resisted looking at Hailee, not wanting to fall into the girl's trap. Hailee kept going. "Please, Mae."

Maeve sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before nodding, making Hailee sit up. "Fine." She growled and Hailee jumped with excitement. Maeve shut her magazine, throwing it somewhere at the end of the bed. "Let me get dressed first."


"I can't believe you convinced me to do this." The shorter girl groaned as Hailee pulled up in the street of Long Beach, California. Maeve looked out the window as she watched some locals walking around, the sun shining brightly down on them as she watched in the distance, the bright blue waves crashing down on themselves.

"Oh c'mon, it's not so bad. You love the beach." Hailee reasoned, opening the door for her girlfriend, seeing Maeve get out and grab her hoodie. "I promise to take you shopping if you let me teach you one trick."

"One trick?" Maeve raised a brow, Hailee nodding in confirmation. "Okay, Steinfeld." Hailee smiled, taking the girl's hand as she walked to her favorite skate park.


"Just hold my hands." Hailee held her hands out, grabbing onto Maeve's as she helped the girl onto the board. Maeve stepped on shakily, gripping onto Hailee's hand for dear life.

"Don't let go." Maeve demanded and Hailee nodded, chuckling softly as she helped the Dawson girl. For safety precautions, Hailee had Maeve do this in the grass so it would hurt as bad if she fell. Not to mention, Maeve was wearing all the necessary equipment to keep her safe.

"I won't, I won't." The Steinfeld girl assured and held on tightly to the girl's hands, slowly using her foot to push the board. Maeve flinched for a moment, scrambling to grab onto Hailee but once she realized she was okay, she hesitantly relaxed. "See? You're doing great, baby."

Maeve smiled at the words, slowly releasing her tight grip on her girlfriend as Hailee continued to help push the skateboard, slow and steady. "I'm doing it..." Maeve chuckled in surprise.


"I'm proud of you." Hailee stated as she held the board between her arm and hip, her other arm wrapped around the shorter girl's shoulders, holding her close. "You did amazing."

"Thank you." Maeve blushed, bringing her face in Hailee's bicep as she let out a small laugh. "And thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone. You were right, that was fun."

"I'm always right." Hailee said cockily with a smirk.

Maeve shoved her lightly, a playful smirk on her face as she rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She muttered and Hailee smiled down at her.

The pair walked along the hill, admiring the sunset ahead of them. Hailee soon noticed that Maeve was a little too close to the curb, so she pushed the girl on the other side of her, keeping her on the inner part of the sidewalk.

Maeve noticed the action, smiling to herself. "Sidewalk rule." She muttered to herself and Hailee looked at her, confused.

"What?" The Steinfeld girl asked, tilting her head cutely in a questioning way.

"Nothing." Maeve dismissed with a smile, leaning up to kiss Hailee's cheek, making the latter smile as they laced their hands together, swinging their combined hands in between each other, content smiles on their faces.

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