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One month. It has been one month exactly since Hailee asked Maeve to be her girlfriend and she said yes. Maeve secretly kept track of the days they've been dating since then and today was their one month anniversary. Although, she figured that Hailee didn't know that.

Hailee did. Hailee knew what exactly what today was. And she was already 5 steps ahead of her girlfriend. The Steinfeld girl was on her way to the store to grab a few last minute items for a gift basket she made for Maeve.

Meanwhile, Maeve was laying in her room, scrolling on her phone while Sydney sat on the futon couch, texting multiple guys at once. Like always. Zendaya was busy on a phone call with her boyfriend, the only thing that could be heard throughout the room was the constant giggles coming from the girl on the phone and the snorts from Sydney. Maeve remained quiet, smiling to herself as she switched to her photos, swiping through all the ones with her and Hailee in them.

She came across a video she forgot the she filmed of them. Maeve smiled, her thumb tapping the play button as she focused on the video.

Maeve laid down in bed, resting her back against the headboard as she held the camera up. She smiled at it and her smile only got wider when Hailee made her presence known.

The taller girl plopped down in Maeve's lap, said girl adjusting the camera to show her girlfriend. "Long day?" Maeve asked.

"No." Hailee muffled into Maeve's stomach which made the latter giggle a little. "Just missed you like crazy today."

"Oh yeah?" Maeve raised a brow, letting her hand slip under Hailee's sweater, rubbing her back with her warm hands. Hailee's body slumped completely against her girlfriend, melting into her touch. "We can just stay here like this for a little while then."

Hailee nodded lazily in her lap, the camera was still high up in the air, Maeve holding it up as her hand moved from Hailee's back to her hair, getting a soft purr from the taller brunette.

Maeve smiled a little more, that was one of the very first times Hailee looked so vulnerable and soft in Maeve's presence. It was perfect, she was a little surprised that she caught it on camera. Her heart fluttered at the thought of her girlfriend.

And it was as if she was having the best day ever when Hailee actually showed up in the room. The door opened, all three girls turned their heads to the Steinfeld girl who was holding a basket in her hands.

"Hello." She nodded to everyone and soon made her way immediately over to Maeve, who was now sat up straighter on the edge of the bed. Hailee took a seat next to her, placing the basket in the shorter girls lap, who looked up at her confused. "Just open it. It's for you."

Maeve rolled her eyes with a smile, taking out all the tissue paper and tossing it aside. She felt her heart melt completely when she saw all her favorite snacks, a new warm blanket that was a beautiful forest green color, and a brand new hoodie. The same exact dark purple hoodie she's been eyeing.

"Oh babe." Maeve gasped softly and felt the soft fabric of the hoodie and blanket, setting them in her lap as the basket of goodies was set on the floor next to her.

"Happy one month." Hailee whispered and Maeve's eyes widened.

"You remembered?"

"Of course I did." Hailee shrugged like it was no big deal until she whispered, "I checked your count down."

Maeve blushed slightly, a soft smile on her lips. "Thank you, Haiz." She then stood up, confusing her girlfriend now. "I have something for you."

"What, no. No, babe you didn't need to- holy shit." Hailee cut herself off with wide eyes as Maeve walked out, holding a box of brand new Nike blazers. "Oh my god." Her jaw dropped in shock as she grabbed the box, Maeve smiling proudly. "Dude this is crazy."

"Nike blazers?" Zendaya asked, and Maeve felt a little bad for forgetting her friends were there for a moment.

"She loves to collect shoes." Maeve shrugged and Sydney chuckled alongside Zendaya as Hailee opened the box, gently running her fingertips across the material of the shoes.

"Babe this is amazing. Thank you." Hailee said gratefully and sincerely as Maeve threw her arms around her girlfriend, hugging her tightly.

"Your welcome." Maeve grabbed the box from her hands, setting it down. She then put on the new hoodie she received and laid down, pulling Hailee down with her by the belt on our pants. Hailee smiled, shaking her head slightly as she let Maeve bury her face in her chest.

"You guys are so cute, it's actually annoying." Sydney scoffed as they all shared a laugh, Hailee just kiss the side of Maeve's face.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

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