2: Time to say goodbye

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Jaune: After turning in his papers, Jaune was surprised to find out he was accepted into Beacon Academy. Not even a day of processing and there was a letter from one of the headmasters the very next day. 'Wow, wow, wow, I can't believe this is happening, it's really happening!' "I'm going to be a huntsman!" He said jumping with joy.

???: "Says who Jaunie?" Rosemary (Jaune's fraternal sister) said from just outside the room.

Jaune: "Ah! Rose, well you see... I uh...the thing is... um..." Before he could continue Rosemary snatched the note out of Jaune's hand and began to read it in a corner of the room.

Rosemary: "Jaune... This is an acceptance letter for Beacon Academy." She said looking back to her brother in shock.

Jaune: "Yes, it is, now I know what you're going to say but-" He was interrupted by Rosemary smacking him on the head. "Ow! What was that for?"

Rosemary: "What the hell Jaune? Why didn't you tell us you were applying for Beacon?"

Jaune: Well in all honesty this was a last-minute thing, and I didn't think it would actually go through, plus I didn't want to Make anyone else worry."

Rosemary: *Sigh* "Jaunie, we're always going to worry about you regardless of what you do in life, but are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Jaune: Grabs the letter and folds it back up into the envelope it came in. "I can't give up on my dream, no matter how dangerous it'd be to me, this is what I've always wanted more than anything and if I die then I'd have done my part as every other huntsman in history in trying to better the world."

Rosemary: She was taken aback by this as she looked at her brother who had a look of determination and purpose in his eyes. She then smiled at Jaune, "You haven't changed at all have you? So, when do you leave?"

???: "Your leaving?" Jade (Jaune's youngest sister) said now walking into the room. "Why?"

Jaune: "Jade... I'm... leaving for Beacon Academy this autumn... so... I..."

Jade: A look of shock formed on Jade's face as she looked at her brother and shouted. "You can't!" The noise echoed around the house as one by one everyone came into the room to see what was going on. "Don't you remember what happens every time you get too physical? Last time you almost drowned in your own blood, now you want to go fight Grimm at Beacon? Aren't you afraid of dying?!"

???: "Looks like Jaune's making Jade cry." Aqua (Jaune's sister and twin of Violet) said leaning on the door frame.

???: "Don't just make assumptions like that Aqua, you don't know the full story." Violet (Jaune's sister and twin of Aqua) said standing beside her.

Jade: She looks over to the rest of her sisters who were just standing outside the room. "Did you know about this?" She asked only to get the same head shake response from everyone else before turning towards Karen (Jaune's intellectual sister) "Please help me talk some sense into him, I can't be the only one who sees how badly this'll turn out."

Karen: She pushed her glasses up to her eyes and looked towards her brother. "While logically anyone could see this as the worst decision to make with such a devastating illness, this is ultimately out of our hands." Everyone then eyed Karen who then continued to elaborate. "At the end of the day, Jaune is almost an adult and should be capable of making his own decisions in regards to his own future. Even if others disagree with it."

Jade: "But-"

???: "I agree." Olivia (Jaune's second eldest sister) said. "Although it's painful to imagine you dying in the near future, it not something we have dictatorship over. Besides even if we did tell you to stay, something tells me you'd still find a way to go."

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