11: Back to School

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With the second semester starting tomorrow, every student started to get back into their routines and activities. However some student's activities were more extreme that others.

After an intense food fight:

Jaune: "Great now I can't get the stench of fish off of me." He said walking out of the cafeteria covered in food while looking at Weiss.

Weiss: "Not my fault you just stood there like an idiot." She said brushing chunks of watermelon off her skirt.

Marilyn: "Hey at least you put up a good fight Blood Boy." She said licking some food off her fingers. " Gotta admit, I didn't expect you to hold out against that last attack as long as you did."

Ruby: "Yeah sorry about that, I guess I kinda went a little overboard." She said rubbing the back of her head.

Nora: "Are you kidding?" She said walking up to Ruby while covered in several different foodstuff. "THAT WAS AMAZING! You ought to do that more often. Oh! What if..."

Ren: "No." He said before Nora could finish to which she groaned.

Pyrrha: "By the way Jaune, are you sure you're okay?" She asked trying to get the grease off her arms. "You didn't get too hurt, did you?"

Jaune: "Oh, no, I'm just fine. I didn't cough up a single drop of blood."

Wendy: "Curious." She said with half a watermelon covering her her eyes.

Jaune: "Hmm? What do you mean?" He asked while looking at Wendy.

Wendy: "You only seem to bleed when activating your aura at high outputs. However, knowing how aura works you should be healing more than you are hurting, especially when amplifying it the way you do." She then turned towards Jaune while the watermelon still sat on her head. "Care to explain?"

Jaune: His doctor's words started to echo in his head as he remembered the day after the dock incident.

Weeks ago at the ER:

Dr. Stein: "Okay Mr. Arc." He said closing the door as he walked over to Jaune's bedside. "I've run the data through your recent and prior injuries and I'm afraid I have some bad news."

Jaune: "How bad is it?" He asked leaning up from his bed.

Dr. Stein: "Well to start off, you've taken some minor nerve damage in both your arms and legs." He said handing Jaune the medical notes. "We've found several traces of dust crystals in your wounds that caused the initial damage. Thankfully we were able to clear them out before they did anything permanent, but that's not what's you should be worried about right now."

Jaune: He flipped through the notes and saw that had several burns, traces of frostbite and a few other things around his body. It was also noted that Jaune's lungs were becoming weaker as well, making them more susceptible to tears and punctures. "I'm guessing my time is what should worry me?" He asked looking back at the doctor.

Dr. Stein: He nodded in response. "Unfortunately, due to all your recent activities and training, your lifespan has been shortened by about two years." Jaune looked back at the doctor's notes and felt a sense of defeat hearing that news. "If I were you, I'd notify your friends and family of this, maybe take some time off to enjoy your life... While you still can at least."

Jaune: He closed up the notes and slowly got up from the bed. "Thank you Doctor, but I think it's time I got back to school. Professor Goodwitch would kill me if I missed anymore combat training." He then grabbed his mask and breathing gear before exiting the room with the doctor following after.

Dr. Stein: "Do be careful young man, life is only granted to us once. You won't be able to stop your death if you keep running forward like this."

Jaune: "I know..."

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