13: The White Fang's Arsenal

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At the White Fang warehouse:

Blake's team had successfully gotten in without being detected and were now witnessing the presentation given by one of the Lieutenants and Roman Torchwick. The presentation was rather short and straight forward as Roman demonstrated his newly acquired arsenal of mechs and weaponry. From behind the curtains two giant spider droids were revealed alongside an even bigger mech suit known as the Atlesian Paladin.

Wendy: "Big." She said looking at the three death robots.

Blake: "And dangerous." She replied remembering her last encounter with a spider droid. "But how did he get those?"

Roman: "Now thanks to an employer of ours, we were able to get our hands on a few of these before they hit the streets as humanity's new line of defense. You see, old Ironwood thinks that his machines and guns will be the saviors of humanity, but I am here to tell you all tonight that these metallic beauties will not be your future oppressors, but YOUR LIBERATORS!" He said as the crowd started to cheer. "Now, many of your brothers and sisters in arms are helping our operations down in the southeast. To those of you that wish to stay in the city, by all means go right ahead. But know that if you choose to fight with us, then this is the firepower I can provide to you. So, I'll ask once more... are you ready to fight for what you truly yearn for? Are you ready to fight for the life you all deserve in this world?" The White Fang soldiers and new recruits started cheering harder as Roman continued to stoke their fiery passion. Soon it became hard to hear anything over all the noise.

Darrian: "The crowd is getting intense, we should leave." He said as the others nodded in agreement.

WF Lieutenant: "All new recruits step forward for initiation!" He said as the crowd slowly proceeded forward.

Sun: "That's... not good." He said as they all tried to figure out a way to escape.

At Sherwin's office:

Sherwin: After a hot minute of rapid-fire questions, answers and indistinguishable talking, the two sat down at the detective's desk.

"So what brings you here Jaune? I know you aren't one for courtesy visits even though I certainly would've appreciated one." He said pouring them both some coffee.

Jaune: "Yeah... I'm sorry about that..." he replied in a guilty tone. "I didn't mean to ignore you for so long."

Sherwin: "It's quite understandable." He said before drinking his coffee and handing a separate cup to Jaune. "With your academics, Aura Rot and several love interests in your life I can definitely see why I'm no longer a priority of yours."

Jaune: "I'll admit things have been pretty bu-wait a minute." He said looking up from his coffee. "Why do you say 'several' love interest? I'm not even dating anyone yet."

Sherwin: He took a big sip of his drink before responding. "I'm a detective boy... I know things you've never even dreamed of, but that's not the important thing." Sherwin then leaned forward in his chair and fiddled with his mustache. "I believe I asked you a question...Why did you come here?"

Jaune then proceeded to spill the beans on what he and his friends were up to along with everything that happened at the docks last semester.

"How troublesome." He replied finishing his coffee.

Jaune: "I know it's a lot, but would you have any idea what they're planning?"

Sherwin: "Do you know what the White Fang are Jaune?" He asked getting up from his chair to look out a window. "The White Fang are people, just like you and me. People who have been shunned by humanity and beaten down into the dirt with no mercy. Humans are cruel Jaune, and most refuse to accept that which terrifies them. Although there are those willing to welcome the Faunus into their society, there are many others that continue to stonewall any progress made towards true equality." Sherwin then looked back at Jaune in a serious tone. "I believe their true goal is to destroy our current society so that that they can make way for a new world order. That is why they steal dust and Atlas weaponry, why they recruit more soldiers in every rally they host. The White Fang are planning for war Jaune. And we are most likely going to be in the middle of it."

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