23: Tense Meetings

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Jaune: Once the fight was done, all three teams met up at the air docks to congratulate the victors. And although team MWDS lost they seemed to be in good spirits as they celebrated JNPR's victory. This was the first time Jaune had won an official tournament match against fellow huntsmen. JNPR reveled in their achievement while also hyping themselves up for the next match. And from the stadium entrance came some voices that Jaune recognized all too well.

Jade: "Jaune!" She shouted as she came in for a tackle hug almost knocking her brother off balance as her sisters and father came down to greet everyone. "That was an amazing fight!" She said in excitement.

Jaune: "Oh, th-thanks. Mind letting go now?" He said pushing her away by the head.

Marilyn: "Well this is a nice surprise, what are you all doing here?"

Aqua: "We came to see our brother fight of course."

Violet: "And to enjoy the festival."

Nora: "Sweet! Oh, did you see the part where me and Darrian went BOOM? That was awesome!" She exclaimed as everyone started talking with one another.

Jaune: With his sisters occupied, Jaune went up to his father and noticed he was wearing his huntsman armor and carrying his sword on the shoulder part of his back. "Wow, I haven't seen you in that getup in ages." He said eyeing his father's equipment. Nicholas wore a black overcoat with red inlays surrounded by shiny plates of steel. His long blond hair hung loosely and freely as it swayed in the gentle wind. Nicholas's angled sword hung openly on a shoulder holster behind his back as various dust effects flew off the blade's edge. "What's the occasion?" Jaune asked.

Nicholas: "I've got some business with Ozpin actually." He replied. "I just came by to watch the match before I head to the school."

Jaune: "Oh, okay that's cool... Wait, you know Ozpin?"

Nicholas: "I used to work with him back when I was a newly pledged huntsman."

Jaune: "Really? I didn't know that... How come you never told me?" 

Rosemary: "Oi! Jaunie! We're heading out, are you coming?" She shouted as everyone was starting to board the next airship.

Nicholas: "I'll explain later, for now why don't you go entertain you sisters, we'll meet up later." Jaune agreed to his father's suggestion and boarded the airship heading towards the fare grounds. Meanwhile Nicholas, Weiss and Ruby all boarded the ship heading towards Beacon Academy.

On the ride over, Nicholas noticed the two girls and started to make conversation. "I saw your fight in the previous match by the way." He said as they looked back towards him. "I've got to say that was rather impressive."

Ruby: "Oh, thank you Mr. Arc." She replied.

Nicholas: "There's no need for formalities Ruby, you and Weiss can call me by my first name."

Weiss: "So Nicholas, why are you coming back to Beacon with us?"

Nicholas: "Business mostly, what about you two? I figured you'd want to spend your time at the festival."

Weiss: "My sister is arriving today actually. I haven't seen her since I joined Beacon, so I wanted to say hi. She should already be at the docks by now."

Ruby: "Yup, and I figured it'd be nice to meet Weiss' sister so I'm tagging along as well."

Nicholas: "Huh, I see." The idea of seeing Winter Schnee again lingered in his mind, yet he couldn't decide if it was a pleasant thought or not. Soon after the conversation ended, they docked at the ships and spotted the Schnee Dust Company Airship sitting at the center platform. Weiss and Ruby ran up to greet the Winter while Nicholas stood back as to allow everyone to converse with one another. How long has it been since he'd seen Winter? Felt like forever ago in a distant past. 

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