20: Bonds

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Ruby: Her ears ringed as the sounds around her were heavily muffled. Her vision was white before it slowly faded into the scene in front of her. People were screaming for their lives as Grimm flooded the streets mauling anything in sight. Parents grabbed their kids as they ran for safety, pedestrians panicked as the Grimm tore into their flesh all the while loud sirens blared throughout the city. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her broken Cresent Rose, the scythe head was missing along with the spear end of the gun. When she looked down at her body, she noticed the blade had pierced through her back and out the front of her stomach area. She hadn't realized the blade had torn through her until the shock of the crash had passed. Ruby couldn't spot her teammates nearby and there were civilians that needed help. Her Aura had popped, and her weapon was badly damaged, yet Ruby crawled towards her Rifle enduring the pain as best she could. Blood leaked out of her wounds, and she could feel herself lose consciousness as she laid her hands on Cresent rose. Ruby went to lift up the gun only for her strength to leave her as a Beowulf approached her. After a painful effort she was able to get the gun tilted to a firing position before pulling the trigger. Her gun clicked, but no bullets were fired. The fear of death had finally dawned on Ruby as she could no longer muster any strength to fight. This would've been the end for the young huntress had it not been for a powerful shotgun blast from Yang.

Yang: "Ruby don't move!" She said as she got into a defensive position in front of Ruby. "Just stay calm, I'll get you out of here." Weiss and Blake were taking care of nearby Grimm before they could overrun the team while Yang punched and blasted her way through countless Grimm as they continued to crawl up from the ground.

Weiss: "There's too many!" She shouted as she sliced down a Beowulf only for three more to take their place.

Blake: "Just keep at it! We need to hold out until help gets here!"

Ruby: She tried desperately to move, she wanted to fight, to help to do something other than just lay there bleeding from her wounds. An Ursa started approaching Ruby while Yang was distracted by a giant snake. Ruby went to pick up her gun again but she lacked the energy as her vision also started to darken. The last thing she saw before passing out was the Ursa raising its claw for a strike only to be cut clean in half from a falling huntsman wearing a mask.

Jaune: He was thankful he and his team set out earlier than planned. Had he been a second later Ruby would've been sliced to ribbons. "Ruby!" He shouted kneeling down to her and activating his semblance at five times the output.

Yang: "Jaune!" She shouted while punching the giant snake's head into the ground before running over to him. "How's it look? Is it bad?!"

Jaune: "I don't know, I can activate her aura again, but I can't do anything about a knife wound this deep." He said as the rest of his team landed nearby and started firing at the oncoming Grimm.

Yang: "Then I need to get her out of here!" She said lifting her sister up off the ground.

Jaune: "Go, we'll take care of things here." He said while drawing out his sword and shield as Yang ran towards the nearest hospital. "Ready up!" He shouted to his team while activating his aura at two times the output. More Grimm flooded in from the exposed tunnel, one of them being a giant two headed snake. "It's time to go to work." He said as team JNPR charged at the oncoming wave of Grimm.

Ren: The snake Grimm would prove troubling if left unchecked. Thankfully Ren had experience in dealing this Grimm type as he went in to distract both heads with rapid fire shots. Dodging proved too easy due to the difference in size and speed as the two snake heads couldn't touch Ren. "Nora!" He shouted while dodging backwards from a lunge strike.

Nora: She was a few feet away gaining momentum as she winded up her hammer for a powerful smash. "HIYAH!" She shouted while swinging upwards into the snake's jaw sending the entire Grimm's body upwards several feet. Unbeknownst to her, several Beowulfs were rushing in to claw at her.

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