8: New Enemies New Friends

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Over the next few weeks, the students of Beacon Academy attended various classes ranging from weapon maintenance to Grimm biology, combat training and even dust utilization. Team MWDS especially made a name for themselves when it came to pure combat. The daily schedule would consist of going to homeroom class followed by combat training, eating lunch, then afternoon classes.

One day during lunchtime:

Nora: "Awe man!" She said in frustration while ruffling her hair. "I can't believe you let that Winchester guy beat you!"

Ruby: "I know!" She said munching on a cookie. "Especially after that entire fight during the test, I thought for sure you would wipe the floor with Cardin."

Jaune: "It's not that hard to believe actually, I mean he IS physically stronger and sturdier than me, so it was inevitable." He said hiding the fact he hadn't used his aura and semblance in that fight. "He's just better than I am right now."

Wendy: "Inconceivable." She blatantly said while breaking up her vegetables into smaller bites. "You outmatch and overpower him, but still resulted in failure. That should not be a possibility."

Susie: "She's right Arc." She continued the topic while looking to Jaune. "How is it you can knock a gigantic building sized bird into a mountainside with nothing but a kick but are unable to beat a punk like him?" She asked as everyone looked over to Jaune waiting for an answer to which he struggled to find one.

Marilyn: "Oh, cut the Blood Boy some slack here." She said walking back to the table with a tray of food. "You remember all that firepower he's carrying right? Last time he went all out, his combat mask broke." She said pointing to Jaune's face with his standard mask. "And look, he still hasn't gotten a replacement for that one yet."

Ren: "I guess one can't be too careful when wanting to preserve gear." He said eating his food while the others seem to agree as they continue the conversation.

Jaune: (Whispering) "Thanks."

Marilyn: She smirked in response. "You can thank me by giving me... this!" She said snatching Jaune's sloppy joe sandwich and quickly taking a bite out of it.

Jaune: "Hey that's mine!" He said trying to grab the sandwich back.

Marilyn: After Jaune said that, an idea popped in Marilyn's head as a mischievous smile formed on her face. "Well... if you want it so bad then just take a bite." She said holding the partially eaten side of the sandwich in front of Jaune. Ruby and Pyrrha looked over at Jaune with a curious and uncomfortable expression.

Jaune: Feeling embarrassed and flustered he stood up and began walking back to the food station. "I'll just grab another." He said as Marilyn laughed and sat back down with her teammates.

After getting another sandwich from the lunch attendants, Jaune heard a shout of pain behind him where a Faunus girl was having her ears pulled by Cardin.

???: "That hurts! Stop!"

Cardin: He ignored her while continuing to pull on the bunny girl's ears. "They are real, what a freak!"

Jaune: Disgusted by what he was seeing, made his way over to Cardin. "That's enough Cardin." He said with irritation in his eyes and voice. "Let her go."

Cardin: "Well-well, if it isn't scrawny. Back for another beat down?" He replied with his friends laughing with him. "Oh, what are you trying to do? Get this little freak to join your band of whores?"

Jaune: Now with a look of rage he spoke in a more tense voice. "I won't ask again. Let. Her. Go."

Cardin: He responded by squeezing the girl's ears as she cried in pain. "Or what scra-" Cardin was interrupted as Jaune punched him in the face with his sandwich acting as a boxing glove. Cardin fell off his seat with sloppy joe all over his face.

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