28: Fallen Huntsmen

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Under the Vault:

Jaune: He, Pyrrha, his father and Ozpin ran for the end of the hall towards the stasis chambers. Explosions and crumbling stones could be heard overhead as the chaos continued. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked Ozpin.

Ozpin: "I won't lie, this isn't an ideal situation to be in, but we're out of time." He replied as they reached the chambers. "Pyrrha, get in. I'll begin the process."

Pyrrha: She looked at Amber one more time before nodding and stepping into the pod leaving her weapons outside. "Do it."

Jaune: "Pyrrha, I..." He went to say only for his father to put a hand on his shoulder.

Nicholas: "Jaune, help me keep guard." He said. "We can't let this process be interrupted."

Pyrrha: Seeing Jaune's hesitation, Pyrrha gave him a reassuring smile as the pod door closed. "I'll be okay Jaune." She said as the two Arcs then got into a defensive position ready to fend off whatever came their way.

Ozpin: "Brace yourself Ms. Nikos, I've no idea what'll happen next." He said as he hesitantly but reluctantly pushed the last button to start the process.

Nicholas: Up ahead the ceiling could be heard breaking apart as it exploded into an opening. "Get ready!" He replied as two shadowy figures dropped down to the ground floor. And without wasting a second, one of the figures threw a pillar of black fire towards the two huntsmen as Nicholas quickly spun his sword to block off the flames.

Jaune: He then saw the second figure ready a bow and arrow made of glass as she fired towards Amber's chamber pod. "No you don't!" He shouted as he raised his shield at the arrow in front of him. His shield connected and should've deflected or shattered the arrow, however the arrow simply deconstructed and reformed itself around the metal before continuing its path. The arrow tip cut off some of Jaune's hair before piercing into Amber's heart killing her in the process.

Ozpin: "NO!!!" He shouted as the machines started to shut down. Amber's pulse dropped and her vitals failed as her remaining maiden powers burst out of her and sped towards Cinder making her a completed maiden.

Cinder: She chuckled as she felt her powers start to activate. "Now this is power." She said. "True power."

Jaune: "Cinder?!" He asked shocked as he saw his former classmate appear out of the darkness along with the masked woman he saw at the construction yard. "What have you done?!" He said before activating his aura at ten times the output and rushing towards her ready to slash at her.

Jonah: Seeing this happen, she summoned a black metal sword and countered Jaune's attack with ease. "That's enough." She said before slapping the palm of her hand onto Jaune's chest sending him backwards. In the next instant Nicholas clashed blades with the masked woman as Pyrrha broke out of her pod ready to jump into the fight.

Ozpin: "No! Pyrrha, take Jaune and bring back every huntsman you can find here."

Pyrrha: "We can help."

Ozpin: "I know, but we can't risk the tower falling if we die here." He replied as he helped Jaune off his feet. "Both of you, get out of here!" And so the two students ran past the Cinder and her accomplice. With Nicholas handling the masked woman, Ozpin readied his cane as Cinder approached him.

Cinder: "She was right about you... So arrogant." She said as their fight to the death commenced.

Over at the flagship:

Ironwood: An explosion opened up one of the walls to the outside deck as both he and Roman continued their fight with the criminal running outside first as the General fired off more heavy shots. Their fight was interesting to say the least. Roman had no semblance, nor body enhancements like Ironwood did. Yet the well-dressed man held his ground using nothing but his cane countering round after explosive round. Plus, when it came down to it Roman had the better melee weapon in terms of range and versatility. However, the General didn't focus on such things as they fought tooth and nail against one another.

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