25: The Offer

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Jaune: The ride up the elevator was deadly quiet. Neither Nicholas nor Qrow spoke a word to them. Jaune and Pyrrha wondered what could be so important to bring them both up to the tower. They wouldn't have to wonder long as the elevator doors opened up to Ozpin drinking coffee at his desk.

Nicholas: "Come on." He said stepping off the elevator alongside Qrow before standing next to the headmaster's desk.

Ozpin: "Hello Mr. Arc, Ms. Nikos, thank you two for coming in on such short notice."

Pyrrha: "Of course Mr. Ozpin." She replied as she and Jaune sat in the chairs across from Ozpin.

Ozpin: "I must say, your performances have been exemplary. Both in the tournament and at the academy."

Jaune: "Thank you sir, but we can't take all the credit. We're only here because of our friends and teammates."

Qrow: "How humbling." He said switching his gaze between the two students. "Just don't ever sell yourselves short kid."

Jaune: "Um... I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've met."

Nicholas: "That's Qrow, he's a huntsman and a colleague of mine." 

Pyrrha: "Not to sound rude everyone, but can someone please explain why we're here?"

Ozpin: "I'm getting to that. There're two matters I would like to discuss with both of you. One of them is in regard to your enrolment at this academy Mr. Arc."

Jaune: "Okay...?" He said nervously. 

Ozpin: "As you know, the schools of each kingdom were made to create the greatest warriors in the world. As such only the best of the best are accepted and molded into capable fighters. And from what I'm aware of, you've never been to combat school, haven't made your own weapon, nor have you received the proper transcripts needed to enroll here." He continued to say as Jaune got ever more nervous.

Qrow: "In short, we know you've cheated your way into Beacon." He said bluntly causing Jaune to flinch. "And that you've got Aura Rot."

Jaune: "Am... I getting expelled?" He asked before Pyrrha got up from her seat.

Pyrrha: "You can't kick Jaune out like this!" She exclaimed while looking at the headmaster. "You know how capable he is, and how strong he can become. Jaune deserves to be here more than anyone!" She said passionately defending him.

Ozpin: "That won't necessary Ms. Nikos, settle down. I have no intention of expelling you Mr. Arc, even despite your unofficial entry into this school." He said which seemed to calm both Pyrrha and Jaune down a little bit. "No, what I called you here for is to discuss a possible transfer for both you and your team."

Jaune: "Transfer?" He asked as Pyrrha sat back down in her seat.

Nicholas: "To Atlas Academy." He said as the elevator ringed before Ironwood and Glynda stepped into the office. 

Ozpin: "Yes, as I'm certain you're both aware. Aura Rot is an extremely rare but deadly disease that only affects individuals with high levels of aura output. Individuals such as you Mr. Arc. And yet despite that, you've proven time and time again that you possess the capabilities to not only manage your deathly illness, but also overcome it. You've shown your strength, proven your resolve and stepped up to the plate when you were needed most. I can honestly say that you've got the makings of a true huntsman within you young man."

Nicholas: "Which is why the general has offered to take both you and your team to the Kingdom of Atlas. Not only to continue your training, but to also treat your illness with the latest technology and care he has to offer.

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