9: Forever Fall

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Jaune: Almost half the semester flew by and the students of Beacon Academy have been relatively busy. So much so that everyone found unique ways to mellow out and detox from their studies. Jaune's method was watching the destroyed moon pass over the night sky while sitting on the dorm's rooftop ledge. It became a habit of his since Jr. High as there was something so comforting about the moonlight.

Pyrrha: "Can't sleep?" She asked walking through the rooftop door and over to Jaune.

Jaune: "No, I just like to watch the moon pass by." He said as Pyrrha sat next to him. "What are you doing up here?"

Pyrrha: "Just coming to see if our 'Blood Boy' is still alive or not." Pyrrha replied elbowing his side softly.

Jaune: "Funny..." About five minutes passed while the two enjoyed each other's company making jokes, talking about their academics etc. Unbeknownst to them, Cardin was listening in from his balcony window.

Pyrrha: "Hey Jaune?" She asked as Jaune looked at her. "I've been thinking... I know you're fairly skilled in combat already, but would you mind if I helped you? To better your fighting I mean."

Jaune: "You think I need help?" He asked wondering why she'd offer to help him.

Pyrrha: "No! Nonono!" She said quickly shaking her head. "It's just that...I know you aren't fond of using your aura or your semblance which makes you more vulnerable than others, so I want to help you lessen those vulnerabilities. Even if it's just by teaching you a few new maneuvers, I think you could really benefit from it."

Jaune: He thought about it for a moment before remembering Professor Theria's advice. "You know what... I'd like that." Pyrrha smiled as she got up and offered Jaune a hand up from his seat. "Just don't push me too hard, I don't want to end up in a hospital again from my disease."

Pyrrha: "I won't, I promise." From the balcony window Cardin smiled mischievously as he formed an idea to get back a Jaune.

Two weeks later in the Forever Fall Forest:

Glynda: "Alright students, as you're all aware, your task is to collect the sap from the specific trees here in Forever Fall. Make sure you don't wander off we don't need you getting attacked by Beowulfs."

The students then began their work at collecting the sap into several glass jars. Collecting the sap was easy if not rather long and tedious. Within a few minutes Jaune and Pyrrha got both their jars filled while Ren struggled to keep Nora from drinking the sap.

Jaune: "We should probably stop her." He said putting the jars in a container.

Pyrrha: After the sap was stored Pyrrha noticed Cardin and his posse walking up a hill with five jars of sap. Pyrrha knew something was up and decided to investigate. "You go on ahead Jaune, I need to do something." She said following after Cardin.

She followed closely as Cardin led the boys to a hidden cache of several boxes that made an awful buzzing noise.

Cardin: "Alright boys, time for payback." He said as they each carried a box to the top of the hill where they could see everyone. "We'll see how smug you are when you're neck deep in rapier wasps scrawny." Cardin then picked up the spare jar of sap getting ready to throw it until a rifle shot shattered the jar spilling sap all over Cardin.

Pyrrha: "I knew it." She said with an angered look. "You couldn't just leave things be could you Winchester?" Cardin and his posse then drew their weapons and surrounded Pyrrha.

Cardin: "You should've stayed out of this ginger, Jaune isn't your problem." He said ready to fight.

Pyrrha: "He's my teammate and my leader, his problems ARE my problems." She said transforming her rifle into sword mode. "You know it's quite sad Cardin... all your talent, all your strength just wasted putting down those you see as beneath you. Jaune is a good man who has far too many troubles without you adding on to the pile. Even still he continuously goes out of his way to help those in need despite the consequences. That's why you and your friends will never reach his level no matter how hard you try."

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