12: Secret Mission

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Classes continued on and the teams went about their daily activities. After one evening, the rest of team RWBY came into their room with one of their members acting more distant than usual.

in the dorm rooms:

Ruby: "Man I can't believe we lost to the new guy!" She said as she Weiss and Yang entered into the room.

Weiss: "Neptune really proved to be a fine strategist."

Yang: "Yeah, he even gave Jaune a run for his money." She said as Blake started to walk pass her team only to be stopped by Weiss grabbing her arm.

Weiss: "Where are you going?"

Blake: "Let go Weiss."

Weiss: "No. You've been avoiding us for the past few days and have been losing a lot of sleep. I told you the next time you're going through something to talk to us."

Blake: "I remember." She said with irritation before letting out a sigh. "I can't stop thinking about what happened at the docks last semester. Roman, the White Fang, the dust robberies, everything. I know something big is about to happen, and I can't help but feel like it's up to us to stop it."

Weiss: She then let go of Blake's arm before stepping in front of her. "I get what you're feeling, but we're just students, we aren't ready to handle something this big on our own yet."

Blake: "And we may never be ready, our enemies are out there plotting something against us and we're the only ones who know."

Yang: "Maybe, but there's no way we can stop this by ourselves, not without a lot of help at least."

Ruby: She then got an idea that seemed to brighten her day. "We... could... get team MWDS and JNPR to join." She said sheepishly. "I bet they'd all like to help."

Weiss: "Okay no offense to our friends, but some of them aren't exactly ideal for a secret rule breaking mission."

Jaune: "Why do I get the feeling you're talking about me?" He said walking into the room.

Weiss: She squeaked at Jaune's sudden appearance as she backed up a few steps. "Jaune?! Wait, how long were you there?!"

Jaune: "I just got here." He said as he handed Ruby a board game. "You left this in the library by the way. Now what's this about a secret mission?"

Blake: "You remember what happened at the docks a few weeks ago?" She asked as Jaune looked over to Blake. "Roman and the White Fang have been stealing from several different dust shops over the last few months. We know they're up to something but we don't know what."

Jaune: "And I'm guessing you want some help snooping around."

Ruby: "Would you and everyone else be willing to help?"

Jaune: "Do you even need to ask? I'll go round everybody up." He replied as Ruby gave him a heartfelt smile before leaving.

As Jaune turned down the corner to head for the elevator, a girl with orange eyes and long black hair covering half her face bumped into him.

???: "Apologies." She said. "I must've not been paying attention."

Jaune: "No worries, I also should've looked where I was going." He said as two more people walked from around the corner, one of them being a boy with grey spiky hair while the other a girl with light green hair and red eyes. "Are... you all transfer students?"

???: "You could say that." The guy said walking over to him. "We're a bit lost at the moment, you wouldn't happen to know where our quarters are would you?"

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