5: Battles of the Emerald Forest

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At the Beacon Cliffside:

Glynda: "And there's another batch of students paired up, that just leaves Marilyn and Susie left." She said as she worked on her scroll sorting through data. "Still, I must say I'm rather concerned for Ms. Bludvin, she doesn't seem to have the mindset for adaptability nor the willingness to branch out from what she knows."

Ozpin: "Have faith in our students Ms. Goodwitch, although they may not know it or believe, it they've got a mass amount of potential within them." He replied before sipping his coffee. "They'll need all the help we can give in order to push past their limits and achieve greatness."

Glynda: "Sir, all due respect but some of our students simply are not fit for the trials ahead." She said looking away from her scroll. "I looked into Mr. Arc's medical files, were you aware of his Aura rot?"

Ozpin: "Would it matter? Regardless if it's by disease, blade, or age we all perish into dust and return to the void we once came from. I believe Jaune Arc knows the full extent of that fact and understands the ramifications he'll face by traversing down this path. Yet even still he's willing to put his life on the line for something beyond himself, if that's not the embodiment of a true huntsman then quite frankly I don't know what is."

Meanwhile in the forest:

Jaune: He and Pyrrha had travelled together up north trying to find the temple holding the relics. After walking together in silence gunshots and thunderclaps could be heard in the distance. "Seems like there's fighting up ahead."

Pyrrha: "Indeed, keep your eyes peeled you never know if-" She stopped mid-sentence as she pushed Jaune out of the way of a Beowulf attack. "Grimm!" She then equipped her sword and readied her shield only to have Jaune place a hand on her shoulder.

Jaune: "Wait, let me take care of this." He said moving in front of Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Are you sure? I can help."

Jaune: "Trust me." He said readying Crocea Mors. "I can do this." With that he readied a stance as his younger self's words echoed in his head.

Jaune 8yr old: 'Okay breath, you'll hurt yourself if you can't breath.' As these words echoed in his head, Jaune took a long 3 second breath in. 'Tighten your grip, and keep your eyes on the target.' He followed his own advice as the Beowulf charged raising its arm for a strike. 'And when you know you can hit it...' Jaune the swung his sword cutting the Grimm's arm off. 'Strike with full force!'

Jaune: White steam escaped from Jaune's mask as he exhaled and spun around to decapitate the Grimm's head. 'No aura amplification needed this time' he thought as more wolves showed up from the bushes behind him along with an alpha Beowulf. Another breath in and two Beowulfs rushed him. Jaune closed his shield and held it in a reverse grip as he struck the Beowulfs in quick succession. In the exhale Jaune rushed the Alpha with a stab only to have the alpha return that attack with a swipe at his face sending Jaune backwards.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!" Worry started to take over her as she transformed her sword into a spear ready to fight.

Jaune 8yr old: 'Okay this'll be tricky, I'm not strong enough to cut something that big on my own just yet. But I can make my strike stronger than before.' Jaune then sheathed his sword and readied another stance. 'Dad said to never fully activate my Aura, but maybe in small bursts and in specific areas I can minimize the damage towards me while maximizing the output' A golden glow then radiated from Jaune's arm as it spread down to his sword.

Jaune: "Aura Amplification..." He said breathing in as the alpha charged at him with incredible speed only to be met with a powerful strike cutting it clean in half. "TIMES THREE!" As the Beowulf was struck a wave of sharp wind extended out from Jaune's sword cutting the other Grimm down to ash. A large exhale of steam escaped Jaune's mask before he felt pain in his lungs and arm. "*Cough* *Hack*" Although Jaune didn't feel any blood come up, he opened his mask just in case while Pyrrha rushed to his side.

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