10: Battle at the docks

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Jaune: With only a few weeks left in this semester Jaune and Marilyn decided to go for a shopping trip around the City of Vale one weekend. On one such stop Jaune was walking out of a store with his new replacement combat mask. "Thanks again sir!" He said waving to the old man that ran the store. With a long deep breath in and a big exhale of white steam Jaune walked alongside his friend. "Really glad the warranty on this thing lasted so long."

Marilyn: "For real, it'd be a shame if you had to spend thousands of Lien to get another one." She said holding her arms behind her head. "Hopefully that one won't break as easily."

Jaune: "I would hope not, hey do you want to grab a bite to eat while we're in town?"

Marilyn: She smiled at Jaune's offer. "Careful there Blood Boy, almost sounds like you're asking me out on a date."

Jaune: "Okay I'll take that as a no then." He said teasingly walking past a few tea shops. On their path, they saw Yang and Weiss exiting a shop as they thanked the owner. "Oh! Weiss, Yang, I didn't know you two were in town."

Yang: She had a disappointed look on her face as she stared at Jaune. "Yeah... we've been in town all day. You two haven't seen Blake around by chance, have you?"

Marilyn: "No, we haven't, is she okay?"

Yang: "She's been missing for two days... and she hasn't come back yet."

Jaune: "Yikes... and you don't have any idea where she might've gone?"

Weiss: "Sadly no, Ruby is off with Penny searching the west part of the city while we're searching all the local shops and hangouts."

Marilyn: "Who's Penny?" she asked tilting her head in confusion.

Jaune: "Here, why don't you let us help?" He said making everyone ignore Marilyn's question. "Me and Mary can search the north side of the city while you two cover this part."

Yang: "Thanks Jaune, that'd be a big help."

With that, Jaune and Marilyn set to checking out all the shops and libraries Blake is known to like. At the same time Weiss and Yang continued around central and eastern Vale. Hours passed while Jaune and Marilyn still haven't found any trace of Blake. Night was beginning to fall as they walked out of a bookstore run by a man named Tuckson.

Marilyn: "Sorry again for the trouble!" She said while carrying bag with a few books she'd bought. "Well, this is going nowhere fast. I don't suppose you have any suggestions, do you Blood Boy?" Jaune didn't respond as he was lost in his own thoughts. "Jaune?"

Jaune: "What? Sorry, no I'm... just wondering what would've cause Blake to run off."

Marilyn: "She wasn't exactly open when it came to herself or her own personal life." Jaune started to think to a few nights ago remembering how Ruby seemed to be bothered by something herself but wouldn't share what she was thinking. Seeing the worried look in his eyes, Marilyn placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find her, after all we only have a few more-" Her sentence was cut off as a loud explosion could be heard close by. Looking towards the sound of the disturbance, Jaune and Marilyn saw a pillar of smoke and immediately summoned their lockers containing their weapons.

At the docks:

Jaune and Marilyn ran over to where the explosion was heard to find several gunships, White Fang soldiers and Blake fighting the known criminal Roman Torchwick alongside a monkey Faunus.

Marilyn: Once she saw Blake fighting, she activated her claws and prepared to jump into the fight. "Go time! you ready for this Blood Boy?"

Jaune: He placed his hand on her back and amplified both their auras at two times the power while giving her a nod in response before they both went after Roman. The monkey Faunus finished dispatching some goons when Roman fired an explosive round at him. Jaune came in at the last second absorbing the explosion with his shield while Marilyn engaged the man in combat.

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