3: First Meetings

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Jaune: Immediately after landing Jaune opened his mask and vomited his guts out into a bin due to some intense motion sickness. After he was done, he heard a familiar voice behind him again.

Marilyn: "Hello there Blood boy." She said skipping over to Jaune in a cheery mood. "Having some troubles there?"

Jaune: "Motion sickness." He said groggily, "It should pass soon." He then stood up straight again and closed his mask while rubbing his eyes.

Marilyn: "Soooo... I see you made it to Beacon, and first of all congrats! Secondly, are you going to die?"

Jaune: "No I'll just be miserable for the next few minutes."

Marilyn: "Awesome! Well, I do have some friends I want to catch up with, do you wanna come with?"

Jaune: "Raincheck." He said miserably.

Marilyn: "Okay let's catch up in the amphitheater then." She said, as she made her way towards the main building.

Jaune: Still nauseous he made his way over to a tree that was out of the way enough not to bother anyone. Jaune had hoped to get a few minutes of peace only to have said peace interrupted by a loud explosion of fire ice and lightning. Curious and concerned, Jaune made his way over to the site of the disturbance to see a bunch of briefcases scattered about and three girls talking amongst themselves. The first was an awkward girl dressed in red and black, the second was an elegant girl dressed in white and soft blue, the last was a stoic girl dressed in black with a bow sitting on her head. After two of the girls left and some attendants grabbed the cases, the girl in red fell on her back in defeat. Jaune seeing this happen walked up to her and offered her a hand. "Hey," he said as their eyes met. "I'm Jaune."

Ruby: "Ruby." She said giving a gentle smile and taking his hand as she got to her feet. "*Snicker* Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship."

After a brief exchange of introductions, the two find themselves walking around the campus grounds.

Jaune: "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is much more common than people realize."

Ruby: "Look I'm sorry, 'Vomit Boy' was the first thing that came to mind."

Jaune: "*sigh* Weirdly enough that sounds better than this other nickname I have, but that's a story for another day... crater face."

Ruby: "Hey that explosion was an accident."

Jaune: "Sure, well the full name's Jaune Arc, simple, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it."

Ruby: Raises an eyebrow. "Do they?"

Jaune: "Well... eh you know what never mind." He said rubbing the back of his head.

Ruby: After a small silence Ruby thought of another ice breaker topic to talk about. "So, I have this thing." She said unfolding Cresent Rose into full scythe form.

Jaune: "Woah! *Cough* Is that a scythe?!" He said backing up while putting a hand over his mask.

Ruby: "It's also a customizable high impact snipper rifle."

Jaune: "Uh...?"

Ruby: Pulls the chamber leaver back, "It's also a gun."

Jaune: "Oh that's cool, I didn't think you could turn a weapon into a gun like that."

Ruby: "Of course you can make weapons into guns, isn't that what you did for yours?"

Jaune: "Actually no, this was a hand-me-down from my father, it's an heirloom that my great great grandfather used it during the war. And I only just got it today."

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