Filler Episode: Arkos

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Jaune: It had been months since the attack on Vale, the city was still damaged in certain places, but repairs were proceeding smoothly. It was the weekend before the Vytal festival and the first day of the tournament. Jaune and his team were sitting in their dorm room enjoying the time off, at least most of them were...

Nora: "Ahhhhgggg!!! I'm boooooored!" She complained as she hung off the side of a bed. "Why can't the festival start already?!"

Ren: "It's still being set up Nora..." He said while reading a book.

Nora: "It's been setting up for weeks! What are we supposed to do in the meantime?! I want to have some fun already!"

Pyrrha: "I don't think there's anything we can do right now Nora..."

Jaune: "Not necessarily." He said as his voice was muffled by his mask. "The fare grounds should be opened up by now, after all there's been times where the public toured the sites long before the festival officially started."

Pyrrha: "Really?" She asked looking over to her partner.

Jaune: "Oh yeah! Me and Jade always go to visit just before the opening days."

Nora: A gleam shown in her eyes as she jumped towards the center of the room and made a proud declaration. "Then it's settled! Team JNPR will infiltrate the fare grounds early and indulge in everything there is to offer!"

Ren: "I guess it could be fun." He said putting down his book.

Jaune: "Alright then, let's go invite the others first." He said as everyone soon got ready to explore the Vytal fare.

At the fare grounds:

Ruby: "Woah!" She said in awe as many people started walking about and interacting with the various stalls. "This place is huge!" Ruby exclaimed as she started checking out all the nearby stalls. 

Jaune: "Yup, welcome to the Vytal Fare everyone." He said as everyone looked around taking in all the sights. "There should be plenty for us to do around here."

Nora: "Enough chitchat! Let's go!" she said while dragging Ren by the arm toward the nearest thing she could find.

Weiss: "And there they go..." She sighed figuring this would happen.

Darrian: "Let them have their fun, we won't get another chance like this for the next few years."

Wendy: "Indeed." She said with her blank expression. "Shall we get going then?"

Yang: "Aww yeah! Let the chaotic shenanigans ensue!" She said as everyone went about doing different things around the grounds. Yang went to follow Ruby as she was trying out many of the dessert stands. Ren and Nora tried their luck at the various games ranging from axe throwing to pellet gun shooting. Weiss Sussie and Darrian checked out the item and product shops.

Jaune: "Seems like it's just us now." He commented as he and Pyrrha stood side by side while everyone else scattered.

Pyrrha: "Seems like it." She agreed as the two started walking in a direction. "So, what did you want to do?"

Jaune: "Hmm... oh! Let's go see if we can win a prize somewhere." He said smiling under his mask. "Come on, I think I saw a good one we can try." Jaune then took Pyrrha by the hand and proceeded to drag her to the nearest game stall.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!" She said with a laugh and a smile as she followed Jaune.

Marilyn: She watched the two running towards the games while she was eating a roasted meat skewer. "What do you think those two are up to?" She asked while taking a bite of beef.

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