21: The Vytal Tournament Begins

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Ruby: It was the day of the Vytal tournament and already she was full of excitement and anticipation. Her team had trained nonstop for today eager to show off their skills and talents. Ruby was especially excited to show off her newly improved Cresent Rose 2.0. which sported a pallet swap of the black and red colors and a few new key features. Some of these key features included dust crystals attached to the scythe head and a grapple hook mechanic added onto the spear section of her weapon. As her team got ready to face off against ABRN, she looked over to the audience where team JNPR was cheering her and the team on with enthusiasm. She returned that enthusiasm with a smile and a wave as the battle officially began with the professor's announcement. The two teams clashed as sparks, dust and various bits of debris flew in all directions.

Jaune: "Wow!" He said as the shockwaves of their fight could be felt from the stadium seats. "They're really going at it."

Nora: "Yeah they are! KICK SOME BUTT TEAM RWBY!!!" 

Pyrrha: "Think they'll win?" She asked as she watched the fight.

Jaune: "Definitely." He said with confidence in his voice. "They've been training day and night ever since the attack on Vale, Ruby's especially been pushing herself more than usual."

Ren: "It's not surprising given how her last fight really affected her, but I wonder if all that training will pay off."

Jaune: "It will, with all the improvements she's made I know Ruby and her team will pull a win here."

Meanwhile at a bar in Vale a man with red eyes and sharp black hair was watching the match while drinking a glass of whisky. While watching the match Professors Port and Oobleck were explaining how the tournament matches work between rounds. All while the man looked on with satisfaction seeing his nieces fight side by side.

Ruby: The fight was going smoothly for team RWBY. Yang was dealing with the heavy hitting team leader while everyone else focused on the rest of ABRN. Ruby kept her distance as much as she could while using her grapple spear to help her maneuver around the ice fields. Weiss made quick work of the remaining members after Blake eliminated one of them. Ice gathered around the two remaining boys forming into an ice fist that started to roll towards the arena bounds. While this was happening, RWBY regrouped for one final strike as the leader of ABRN focused on saving her teammates. Weiss formed an ice wall for Yang to build up momentum with while Ruby and Blake got into position to launch Yang with as much force as possible. Ruby launched Blake forward with a recoil shot as she tossed her gun sword for Yang to grab, in the next instant the two launched at highspeed before Blake pulled her weapon with all her strength allowing for Yang to punch all three remaining members out of the arena with intense pressure.

Professor Port: "And just like that ladies and gentlemen we have the winners of this match. Team RWBY of Beacon academy!" She announced as everyone in the stadium cheered for the spectacle.

Ruby: The adrenalin had yet to wear off as she and her team basked in their victory. "We did it." She said realizing what she just said. "WE DID IT!!!" She exclaimed as she and her team celebrated before exiting the arena.

Later at the Fare grounds:

Ruby: "Is anyone else hungry?" She asked as he hung her head down in exhaustion.

Blake: "I could go for some food." She admitted as her stomach growled.

Yang: "Come on, I know a good spot to eat at." She said before leading her team towards a noodle stand.

Cinder: "That was quite the show." She commented as Ruby and her team looked back at her. "I got to say, I was rather impressed."

Ruby: "Oh Cinder! Thank you."

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