7: Settling In

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Jaune: The ringing sound in his ears were painful and his head was pounding even as he slept. It took several minutes before his eyes opened for him to see the edge of the cliffside overlooking the Emerald Forest. He felt something odd on both his arms, when he looked to his left, he saw Pyrrha with an arm wrapped around her as she carried him while on his left was Yang who was doing the same thing.

Yang: After walking for a good minute or two, she looked at Jaune who was starting to wake up. "Oh hey, he's up!" Yang called out to the other students who were also walking alongside them on the cliff. "How're ya feeling champ?"

Jaune: Although in bad shape and hurting he was still cognitive enough to answer. "*Hack*" But not in the condition to speak right away as he coughed up more blood on the ground. "What *Cough-cough* happened?"

Pyrrha: "Just try to relax Jaune, you've put up quite the fight today." She said looking at him. "After you and Ruby killed the Nevermore, we all climbed up here and found you in a pool of blood with Ruby by your side. I'll admit we were all quite shocked when she told us you were dying." 

Yang: "Yeah, but thankfully my lil sis kept you breathing until we came up here." She said as she started to smirk. "You know...you seem to be getting a lot of lip action today Jaunie~" Yang said teasingly to which Jaune didn't have the energy to respond. Pyrrha looked over to Yang with an odd expression but continued ahead as Ruby parted from the rest of the group to check on Jaune.

Ruby: "Jaune, I... how... how are you feeling?" She asked sheepishly.

Jaune: "Like I need a shower...and a sandwich... maybe three." He said as the girls chuckled at him. Jaune closed his eyes as he began to think. "Thanks by the way..." he said weakly.

Yang: "Nah we should be the ones thanking you." She responded smiling at Jaune. "It was your quick thinking and power that got us through today, although I guess kissing my sis twice is enough to-."

Jaune: "That's not what I meant." He responded as Ruby and Pyrrha were especially confused. "Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself."

Pyrrha: "Jaune..." She said in mild surprise as Jaune started planting his feet to walk. "Hey, don't move, you're still hurt." She tried to say as Jaune unwrapped his arms and took in a deep breath.

Ruby: "You might want to listen to her Jaune, you're in rough shape."

Jaune: "I'm fine now, honest." He said looking to Pyrrha and Ruby before pointing to his face. "See? No more *Cough*" he said coughing up another wad of blood into his hand before Pyrrha carried him on her shoulder once more.

Pyrrha: "You know we're going to talk about that right?"

Jaune: "Yeah, I know." He said shifting some of his weight onto her.

Pyrrha: As they traveled in silence Pyrrha started to smile. "I know, I had a feeling I was right." She said suddenly.

Jaune: "About what?"

Pyrrha: "Choosing you as my partner." She said with a gleeful look at him to which he returned. Ruby gave a look of unease towards Jaune and Pyrrha that went unnoticed as the twelve students finally reached Beacon Cliffside passing their initiation.

Later at the Auditorium: 

Ozpin: "Marilyn Bludvin, Wendy Gudi, Darrion Toro, Susie Numan." He said as the four students walked up. "The four of you retrieved the Black king and Queen pieces, from this day forward you shall be known as... Team MWDS (Muds) led by... Marilyn Bludvin."

The students of the auditorium cheered as Marilyn stood there surprised but proud of herself while her teammates clapped beside her.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona, Yang Xiao Long." Ruby looked back at Jaune who gave her a thumbs up reassuring her as they all stepped forward. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces, from this day forward you shall be known as... Team RWBY (Ruby) led by... Ruby Rose."

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