6: Tacticians at work

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At the forest temple:

Twelve students had gathered with three massively dangerous Grimm to dispatch of with each of them inching closer to attack.

Darrian: "We shouldn't linger here!" He said brandishing his giant two-handed axe. "Our objective is to grab a relic and make it back to the cliff."

Blake: "Yang and Nora already grabbed one, we'll keep them busy while you get yours."

"Marilyn: "Just make sure to save some Grimm for us." She said folding up her claws and making a break for the relics. "Come on blood boy!"

Jaune: "Ruby on me!" He said as he also made his way to the relics with Ruby following after him. Marylin was the first to grab a relic as she picked up a black queen piece. Jaune followed by picking up a golden rook. Wendy grabbed the black king piece and Ruby grabbed a white knight piece.

Ren: Grimm like these were harder to deal with, a bigger body and dense bone armor can make it difficult landing a killing blow. Ren's blade guns weren't big or high damaging, but they were fast nimble and fired rapidly. When the Deathstalker tried striking with its claws, Ren dodged to its side and started unloading dozens of bullets into its legs. On the opposite side Blake was doing the same thing using her sword pistol and scabbard.

Immobilization wasn't going to be enough, the scorpion needed to be incapacitated. "Nora, up!" Ren shouted keeping the Grimm distracted as both Nora and Yang launched themselves upwards with some help from Pyrrha. As they began to fall, Yang exploded downward going for a strong punch while Nora used her grenade hammer to gain momentum as they both created a miniature crater with the scorpion Grimm in its center.

Susie: Decapitation clearly wasn't working on the hydra. Every slash just resulted in its head growing back and retaliating with either its tails or spare heads. Darrian was slamming his axe into the ground creating rock spikes that dug themselves into the Grimm's body while Weiss shot of ice attacks using her glyphs. This slowed it down enough for her to cut at the giant Grimm but it wouldn't work forever. Then she got an idea after seeing both her allies in action.

"Schnee!" She yelled as she gained Weiss's attention. "Assist me!" She put away her longer katana and pulled out her wind infused katana as she began slashing in different directions to create small whirlwinds. Weiss seeing this activated her rapier's wind dust chamber and glyph semblance to create a large tornado trapping the hydra. "Darrian trap it!" With the Grimm immobilized Darrian got to work slamming his axe in the ground creating more and more rock spikes which dug into the tails, necks and main body until the hydra was partially entombed. Once half its body was covered, Susie went for one more set of decapitating slashes as Weiss then activated her rock dust chamber creating one large earth prison.

Jaune: "Wow, they're awesome." He said looking back at everyone fighting admiring how they all worked together and utilized their strengths. His train of thought was cut short as the Nevermore screeched while reeling its wings back.

Marilyn: "Everyone duck and cover!" She said as she Ruby and Wends hid behind debris.

Jaune: He was too far out in the open to hide, no he had to defend against the giant bird. With a long inheale he activated his aura and semblance. "Aura amplification..." he said as giant sharp feathers shot themselves towards Jaune. "TIMES FIVE!" He shouted as he drew his sword and held his folded shield in a reverse grip. One by one he slashed and smacked the feathers away. Although they were powerful they didn't make him weaver. Not all of Jaune's attacks were blocking the feathers as a few managed to scratch and tear at Jaune's limbs making him bleed. Once the feathers ceased firing, Jaune let out an exhale of steam while the Nevermore started circling around for another attack. Jaune couldn't think as he started coughing up blood that leaked through his mask and his limbs started to cramp.

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