Chapter 1

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Word count: 4513


"GET OUT!" I yelled, my frustration boiling over, and I threw a book across the room.



Kevin didn't say a word; he simply sat on the bed, crossing his legs.

"You're not going anywhere?" I asked, trying to regain control.

"Hell no! This is my residence too."

"Your name is NOT on the lease."

"But all my money is... I ain't going no fucking where."

I nod my head. "I'm sick of this shit, Kevin. So sick."

"I'm sick of your ass too." He shot back.

"So leave. Why do you stay where you're not wanted?" I ask

"Because just like the last three times, you're gonna come back to me apologizing for your actions and saying you wanna work things out. I'm not gonna keep doing this with you, so no, I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh my god, that was one time, and that was years ago. Why is your reality different from everyone else's?" I ask. "You cheated on me, and I took you back. You came to my house begging for my forgiveness, and I broke down and gave you another chance, again. And I don't know why I did that because I'm pretty sure you're still cheating while you're living in my house." I explained.

"If you know I'm cheating, then what does it make you?" he retorted.

"Exactly," I said firmly. "So like I said, get out."

"And like I said, I'm not going anywhere." he stubbornly maintained.

I sighed in frustration. "Okay."

I calmly walked into my closet, determined to remove myself from this toxic situation. I started pulling down clothes and threw them on the bed. Then, I went into the guest bedroom closet and retrieved my luggage. Deciding on the carry-on, I brought it back into the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" He asks

"What does it look like?" I replied, my voice tense. I moved on to sorting my clothes, rolling and folding, packing everything I could fit in the bag.

"You're so dramatic. You're leaving?"

"If I stay here I will try to end your days."

He laughed, unfazed. "So this is another one of your temper tantrums. Got it!" He said nonchalantly. "Make sure you grab your toiletries."

"Fuck you." I said as I walked into the bathroom. I hastily grabbed my moon toothbrush, a few facial and hair products that were allowed on the plane, and tossed them into my oversized Gucci purse. Finally, I finished packing my suitcase.

"How long are you gonna be gone this time?" He asks, still in the same spot.

"Hopefully forever." I declared, gathering my things and leaving, determined to break free from this toxic cycle.

Sitting in the car for a moment, I took a deep breath, trying to process the weight of my decision. I despised him so much, and I couldn't even fathom why I had stayed with him for so long. It was a toxic cycle that had stretched on for years, with cheating and disrespect that never ceased despite endless promises. I had endured this for far too long.

Finally, I pulled out of the garage. I had no destination in mind, no plan, just a desperate need to escape. About 40 minutes later, a sign for the airport appeared.

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