Chapter 8

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Word count: 5210


After Jey left, I went back into the house and laid back down on the sofa. I could smell his cologne on the blanket and pillow. I wrapped myself up in the blanket. I kind of missed him already. I can tell this is going to be hard. My little feelings for him are already turning into attachment and I kind of don't like that. I think it's too early for attachments. I don't like it because I don't like that he's legally still married. I don't want to get involved with someone who's married. What if they change their mind and decide to work it out? Where does that leave me? I don't want to get hurt...but damn I feel like I want to go through this with him. I think I can get through this as long as I continue to put myself first and as soon as it doesn't feel right, I need to let it go. Although we had a pretty in-depth conversation about everything and I believe him I still feel like there's a tiny chance that some or all of this could be a lie. I have to keep that in mind when dealing with this.

I roll my eyes at myself. I hope that's not the case because even though it's so soon I would be hurt and that's why I don't like that I'm getting attached to him. But I'm gonna get down to the bottom of all of this and hopefully everything works out for the good.

Keep in mind that this can all be over in a split second and you need to be okay with that Hazel.

I reach over and get my phone off of the coffee table. I immediately called Danielle. I had to update her on the turn of events. She's not gonna know what to say.

"Hello?" She answers right away.

"Girl...Jey showed up at my parent's house." I say getting directly to the point. No need to have small talk.

"Jey? Airport guy you think you're in love with?"

"Yes." I felt what she said was a little shady but I let it go.

"Oh god. I thought you were over it by now. What happened?" She asks

"Well, I think it started when I called his brother..."

She cuts me off. "Why would you call him?"

"Because just like I told you I wanted answers, and he was the only one who could answer them for me. So I called him and we talked. He told me that his brother liked me and that he basically didn't want to end things with me. I was so confused after the conversation. I had more questions than I did before I spoke with him. He ended up getting off the phone with me, and I was so upset. BUT, around 9 o'clock last night, my mom called me downstairs and said I had someone outside to see me. When I opened the door it was Jey. When I tell you my stomach hit the floor, I was shocked to see him."

"Whaat!" She says, sounding like she's actually surprised.

"Right. He told me to come with him and like an idiot I just went with him. I didn't have a phone or my purse. I had nothing and I expressed that to him and he was just like get in the car, in this sexy demanding voice. I had to listen and it was stupid because I'm not gonna lie, I thought he was about to kill me." I explain

"Whaat!" She says, sounding like she's actually surprised.

"Right. He told me to come with him and like an idiot I just went with him. I didn't have a phone or my purse. I had nothing and I expressed that to him and he was just like get in the car, in this sexy demanding voice. I had to listen and it was stupid because I'm not gonna lie, I thought he was about to kill me." I explain

"See what I'm talking about. You got yourself into some shit." She says. "Why would you get in the car with him when you think he's about to kill you?"

"I don't know, just listen. He took me to some secluded place—."

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