Chapter 10

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Word count: 4723


A few hours later.

I had drifted off to sleep after he fucked me stupid again. I woke up to him kissing me on my cheek. I popped my eyes open and saw his smiling face. He was fully dressed.

"Where are you going?" I ask

"Me and my brothers have some business we need to handle. I shouldn't be gone too long."

I pout. Damn how is he gonna leave me.

"Is it going to be like this all the time?" I ask

"No, but I can get called at any time if they need me. Truth is, there's no guarantee..." He says. "Just know, the majority of the time it's always important."

I nod my head. I feel like it's gonna be like this a lot and I don't know how I feel about it. I do know there are some illegal dealings but I don't know if it's all illegal and hopefully he keeps me in the dark about a lot of stuff because I feel like I don't wanna know about what he or his family is doing.

"I tried to get out of it but they're on their way to pick me up." He says.

"It's fine." I say

"I know it's fucked yo for me to leave like this but I don't have a choice." He says.

"I said it's fine. I'll manage." He knows I'm disappointed.

"I had some things delivered for you. I don't know if you have any clothes or anything so there's a few things out in the living room. Whatever you don't want we'll send back."

"I brought some things with me." I say

"Well now you have more." he smiles. "If you wanna go anywhere, I'm leaving my fob. I'm parked in the garage, on the 6th floor furthest away from the elevator." I look over at the nightstand and see it, the double R's very visible. Next to it was a credit card.

"And the credit card?" I ask

He smiles again and shrugs. "For fun. Entertain yourself by collecting some things to fill up your new closet."

I look at him confused.

"The penthouse is still open and he said I could rent it out if I want. So you wanna do it?"

"Uh...I guess. Yeah!" I say. I don't know how I feel about all of this either. Everything is moving super fast. I literally went to sleep for a couple hours and now all of this is going on.

"Buy some things for the house. Whatever you wanna do. Start picking out one decor." He says

He leans in and kisses me on the lips. "Only thing that I ask is that you be here when I get back. Make yourself at home."

I nod my head. He checks his phone. I could see he was looking at the find my app.

"Aight. Give me a couple of hours." He says before leaving the room.

I laid there for a few minutes before heading into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. I had my travel size skincare routine in my purse, along with the hair care and basic makeup items. Of course I had a change of underwear. I knew I wasn't going home last night. I was prepared for this.

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