Chapter 15

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Word count: 4947

"Looks like I arrived at the right time. Bro, you gotta let me get in on that. Let me hit that." Jon says

"I already told you no. She ain't letting you touch her. She ain't even like that."

I hear Jey walking, probably to get his clothes on.

"I don't know man, I think she is. You didn't see what I saw." Jon says

"You don't know my girl." He pauses for a few seconds. "What you see?"

"I know she'll do what you tell her to do." Jon says.

"She would...." There was silence for a few seconds, then I heard Jey speak again. "....I got you, uce."

"For real?" He says, excitedly.

"Babe!" Jey calls out.

I take a few steps into the room to act like I've been here the whole time.

"Yeah." I answer

"Throw a robe on and come here."

I quickly walk into the bathroom and grab my robe. I put it on and walk out into the living room.

"Yes, babe?" I walk over to him. Jey takes my hands and brings me to sit on his lap.

"I wanna do something with you. You think you can do it?" He asks

"Depends on what it is."

"I want you to let my brother eat your pussy?"

"What?" I laugh. "You're joking, right? No."

"Come on, you know he wants you. This ain't new news."

"No, it's not, but it's your brother. Ain't that weird?"

They look at each other and laugh.

"Nah." Jey says. "Just think of it being me that's touching you. Ima be right here. I'm not gonna leave you."


"I really wanna see it." He says, trying to persuade me.

I was so confused because I thought he was the jealous one and didn't want anyone to touch me. Now he is flipping it around and saying he wants his brother to eat my pussy? What? This is insane......

.......But, if this is what gets him off, I'll do it.

"You really wanna see this?" I ask

"I do." He says rubbing my thigh.

I look into his eyes and I just melt. I will do anything for him, including this. This is crazy but I'm doing it for him.

I don't say anything else, I just kiss him. We make out for a few minutes before I feel him turn me around, breaking the kiss. He puts both of my legs on the outside of his then puts them up on the sofa, putting me on full display.

Am I really doing this? What the fuck am I doing?
He leans me back on him then he begins talking in my ear.

"When he's done ima bend your sexy ass over and fuck a baby into you. If you ain't pregnant you gonna get pregnant and I ain't gon miss." His lips gently kissed my neck while his hand rubs my clit.

Damn he was putting me in the mood even more, especially after the sex we just had. I was beyond horny. I know I was leaking.

I felt my robe being untied. I knew it was still Jey. He gripped my left breast and caressed it, moving my nipple between his knuckles, punching it sending shockwaves through my body. While his other hand gently rubbed my clit. I reached back and ran both of my hands through his hair as he kissed my neck.

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