Chapter 7

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Word count: 5075


He looked out the window and put it down. "Oh...." He sits it on his lap and presses the button for the window to go down.

"What you doing out here?" Someone says to him. I couldn't see the guy.

"How you know I was out here?" Jey asks

"Your location, duh." The guy says

"Oh yeah..."

"So what you doing out here?" The guy asks again.

"I went to her parents house and picked her up. We're talking."

I see the dark figure walk into the window frame and he bends down to look into the car at me. It was his twin brother, Jon.

"What's up, Hazel." He says happily.

I smile although I'm still somewhat startled by him knocking on the window.

"Hey!" I wave.

"You were right, Josh. She is beautiful." Jey smiles at me but I could tell he seemed uncomfortable. "I don't remember her being this beautiful when we FaceTimed at the airport." Jon says

"Thank you, Jon. It's nice to finally meet you." I smile at him.

"Get out! Give your brother a hug." Before me or Jey could say anything, he was already walking over to my side of the car.

"Nah...." Jey said. He got out and tried meeting Jon on my side.

What the hell is going on?

Jon opened the door before Jey got to him so he just watched closely as I hugged Jon. It was a little weird seeing how Jey was acting.

"Chill." Jon says. "What's going on?"

"Ion trust it." Jey says

"Me?" Jon looks at him confused. "You don't trust me? Why?"

"I don't know. "I got everybody on my back and you acting weird." Jey says

"Me? I'm being weird? I'm trying to be welcoming. My bad." He says to me. "Why would you not trust me? I'm your twin. If you can't trust me then who can you trust?"

"You right." Jey agrees

"You can depend on me to have your back. I know this isn't going to go over well with the family. But I got you." Jon says

"All because he wants a divorce?" I ask. This seems so small.

"It's betrayal." Jon says.

"But their marriage isn't working."

"I get it but it's understood that it needs to be worked out. No divorce." Jon says to me.

"I guess I'll never understand then." I say with a shrug. "So where does this leave me? I'm just supposed to be the side chick?"

"No." Jey places his hands on my shoulders, turning me to him. "I don't want you to think that because you're not that. My wife and I are separated. I don't even live in the house anymore. We both know that, but they don't."

"Looks like y'all got a lot to straighten out." Jon says. "Hazel, I want you to know whatever you need, just give me a call. If he's not answering, call me. Doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is, please call me."

I look at Jey and he gives me a nod of approval.

"I will. Thank you."

He gives his brother one last look before walking back to his car. Jey waits until he drives off before he says anything.

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