Chapter 11

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Word count: 4907


They both were leaning on the front of a blacked out suburban truck. Jey's father wasn't looking my way, he was looking into the restaurant. I see the bald headed guy hit his father on his shoulder getting his attention, then he points in my direction. His father nods and looks away while the other guy starts walking towards Jey's car.

Oh shit!

Is he coming over here? He can't be. I continue to watch as he gets closer to the car and I start to panic. He can't even see me. I know he can't. Without taking my eyes off of the man, I start digging through my purse for my phone.

He answers but I don't even wait for him to say anything.

"JON!" I yell into the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"I'mattheblackbeardineandthesemencameinonpunchedJeyandtheresanotherwalkingtowardsme." I say, panicking, my words running together. "Yousaidtocallyouif—."

"Wait! Slow down." He says. "I can't understand anything you're saying."

"JON! Jey is in trouble!" I managed to get out before the guy stopped at the passenger side. I froze in horror.

"What do you mean he's in trouble? Where are you?"

"I can't talk." I whisper

"Huh? Where are you?"

"Jon, 5 men are here." I whisper, not taking my eyes off of the man. He looked at the car for a second, then walked towards the back of it. He can't see me. Thank god!

"We're at Black Bear diner, on Newport. 3 men walked in and attacked Jey. A fourth one is standing next to his car. I'm in here but I don't think he can see me."

"He can't see in the car, he has double sided tints, now if he walks to the front of it....." Jon starts but stops. I knew what he was about to say, but I guess he thought that'll freak me out more. "Tell me what they look like."

"Seriously?" Now the man is standing on the driver's side of the car.

"Quickly!" He yells

I glance into the restaurant and I see the guy hit Jey again. He hit Jey so hard it knocked his bun loose. I close my eyes to avoid the image.

"Jon, they're attacking him. I have to do something." I say

"Listen to me, Hazel. This is important. What does the man standing next to the car look like?"

"He's big, with big muscles, tall, has a bald head, he's very tanned. Looks like he's black." I say quietly. "Help him." I say feeling myself starting to break down. "Jon! Please come!"

"Fuck!" He yells. "I know who that is. Hazel, he will hurt you. Do not open that door for anything."

"I'm not. I think your dad is here too."

"Shit! He's there...they said they weren't going to fucking do anything. They lied to me." He says. "Aight. You have his keys right?"

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