Chapter 6

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Word count: 4735


In the weeks following the intense weekend with Jey, I've found solace in my familiar surroundings, returning to the home where I grew up. It was like taking a breath of fresh air. The breakup with Kevin still lingers in my mind, and I've been attempting to move forward with my life. Honestly, I'm not that worried about that. He needed to go a long time ago. I'm happy I was finally able to pull the trigger with that. Reflecting on my decisions, especially the impulsive encounter with Jey, has been a constant theme.

Navigating through the memories within the walls of my childhood home, I've sought comfort and clarity. It's become a time of introspection, assessing the direction I want my life to take. The contrast between the recent passionate escapade and the stability of my roots has been stark. I actually contemplated moving back home. I'm still thinking about it. It would be a good move for me. I don't have anything in Atlanta anymore.

The process of healing has involved reevaluating my priorities and understanding the impact of impulsive choices on my well-being. Despite the turbulence of emotions, I'm gradually finding a renewed sense of self, determined to emerge from this period of uncertainty with newfound strength and wisdom.

The echoes of the weekend with Jey lingered in my mind as I navigated the familiar streets near his neighborhood. The proximity heightened my anticipation of a chance encounter, but fate had yet to bring us together again. Thoughts of him occupied my mind daily, making it challenging to move on.

As I contemplated reaching out to Jey's brother, Jon, a sense of conflict brewed within me. Uncertainty surrounded whether I should actively pursue a connection with Jey or simply allow things to remain as they were—nothing. Despite the internal tug-of-war, the desire to speak with his brother persisted. Perhaps he held insights into the complexities of Jey's situation, and I yearned for advice that could shed light on the path ahead.

The internal conflict intensified as I contemplated reaching out to Jey's brother. The idea of discussing matters without explicitly mentioning my intentions with Jey seemed like a plausible approach, yet the underlying awkwardness persisted. Questions lingered about the motive behind connecting with his brother, adding another layer to the complexity of the situation. I found myself grappling with the intricacies of my emotions, torn between seeking clarity and the fear of stirring further complications.

As I sat in my car, parked in a corner of the parking lot, observing the world around me. I was trying to get up the nerve to actually hit the call button. Why was I so nervous to talk to his brother? It's not like I'm calling him.

I took a deep breath and just touched the contact.

"Hello?" Jon answers and I instantly get more nervous. I could hear a lot of commotion going on in the background.

"Hey...Jon...This is Hazel, Josh's friend from the Chicago layover trip, weekend, or whatever. I met him on the flight over here to San Fran—."

He interrupted, "I know who you are. Hold up.." I heard him put the phone on mute, creating a moment of silence. When he came back it was quiet.

"What's up?" He says

I nervously laugh. "I know it's crazy hearing from me, but I kinda wanted to talk to you. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, what's up?" He says

"I haven't talked to your brother since we left the airport a couple of weeks ago. He told me everything and I really didn't have time to process everything because we were leaving. We spent the weekend together and I know it was a short time but now that I've had a couple weeks to do so...I just wanted to—I have some questions— at the airport—he just—I'm rambling a bit. Um, I was wondering—."

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