Chapter 5

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Word count: 5687


The day continued to unfold with a mix of excitement and lingering questions. Jey's generosity remained overwhelming, creating an atmosphere of both joy and uncertainty. Despite the unease from the mysterious phone call, our exploration of Chicago's landmarks, from Millennium Park to Navy Pier, provided moments of genuine connection.

As we walked around Navy Pier, played games, and indulged in a Chicago-style pizza at Giordano's, Jey's easygoing nature continued to ease my concerns. The day had been filled with laughter, shared experiences, and the blossoming of a connection that left me wanting more.

We concluded our day at the Offshore Rooftop, sipping drinks and engaging in light conversation. The anticipation of parting ways loomed, and I found myself dreading the return to my everyday life. The chemistry between us was undeniable, yet the uncertainty about Jey's intentions cast a shadow over the potential of what could be.

Our conversation was pleasant, reflecting on the memorable moments of the day. However, the ambiguity surrounding our future left me with a mix of hope and apprehension. I wondered if this was meant to be a fleeting weekend adventure or if there was a possibility for something more significant.

As we discussed returning to San Francisco, the proximity of our hometowns added an intriguing layer to the unfolding story. The connection felt profound, and I couldn't shake the sense that our meeting held a deeper purpose. I don't know but I just feel like this can't be all it's going to be, it's too much potential here.

As I take a sip of my third Tokyo mule, I decide to broach a conversation that needs to be had.

"So, what are you gonna do when you get home?" I inquire.

"Take care of some business. I got a lot of shit on my plate right now, and that's part of the reason I'm going home. What about you?" He responds.

"I don't know yet. I think I'm just gonna chill out at my parents' house and spend time with them. I don't know how long I'm gonna stay, but I will have some free time. Maybe we can get together and have dinner or something." I nervously suggest.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna have my sons, and I don't know what I'm stepping into when I get home. I got some family drama going on. So I think we should just play it by ear, but I don't want you to set high expectations." he explains.

I feel a bit disappointed, realizing I shouldn't have set my expectations too high.

"So, that's a no?" I cautiously ask.

"I'm not saying no, I'm just trying to tell you I have a lot going on. Of course, I want to see you, but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pull it off." he responds.

"You sound like you're hiding something. And I know you told me you were single, but I'm sorry, I don't believe it." I admit.

He looks at me like I've upset him. "So would you feel better if I told you I was in a relationship or something?" he responds.

"I wouldn't feel better. I would just like you to tell me if that's the truth. If that's why you can't see me, just say that. Because something's off." I say, trying to get to the bottom of the uncertainty in his words.

Jey stares at me for a few seconds. His expression shifts from what seems like annoyance to a more relaxed one. "Well, maybe I'm a serial killer. Maybe that's what you're feeling." he says, adding a touch of humor to break the tension.

"I know you're not, if you were gonna kill me you would've done it a long time ago." I say

"That's true I probably would've done it last night in your sleep after I got my nut. That's logical, but that's probably why you keep thinking something is up because you don't know me personally."

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