Chapter 9

871 22 39

Word count: 5200


Hazel's POV

I step out of the elevator and it's super quiet. It's kinda creepy how quiet it is but I guess that's good. I was nervous. I don't know why. Well I do know why. I need to address what he said when he walked away earlier.

I walk down the long hallway, all the way to the end. I stand there and listen for a couple of seconds. Silence. I don't hear any kind of noise, a TV or anything. Is he even here? Well, he told me to meet him here and it is going on 1 am, so it's quite possible he could've fallen asleep. I knock on the door and wait to see if he answers.

After a few seconds, I hear him unlock the door then open it.

"Hey." A nervous smile tugs at my lips. He wasn't asleep.

His white button up was now unbuttoned revealing his chest and stomach. He still had his two moissanite Cuban link diamond chains on, white jeans and Air Force ones.

I watch his eyes look down my body then back up to my eyes. I couldn't see anything but lust in his eyes. He bites his lip, then he reaches for my waist, and pulls me into the room. As soon as I stepped in, his lips attacked mine. I melted into him, giving him all control over me. The kiss was so good. It was almost orgasmic. I have been wanting this man for so long and I'm so happy that I'm finally getting him how I want him.

I drop my purse and my arms go around his neck. He closes the door, picks me up by my ass and walks into the living room. He doesn't break the kiss, that actually intensified it. I could taste the alcohol on his tongue and I loved it.

He lowered me down to my feet and we made out for a few more minutes. I felt his hand venture up to my neck then he squeezed it, simultaneously pushing me back, breaking the kiss. I was wetter than I always was.

"Damn." he says, licking his lips and looking into my eyes. He takes a few steps back from me, without breaking eye contact then plops down on the sofa. He has this intense look in his eyes that I've never seen before.

"Strip." He says

I didn't even think about it as I reached back to unzip my dress but he had already done it without me knowing.

"Yeah, I got it already. Take it off slowly." He says with that same look he gave me back in Chicago when he told me to play with myself in front of him. I see this is his look when he wants to get dirty. Noted.

I hold eye contact with him as I slowly push one of the straps off of my shoulder. I watch his eyes fall to my hands. I do the same for the other. I free my arms of both and slowly pull the dress down to reveal my breasts. He licks his lips and bites down on his bottom lip. I could see he was turned on from where I was standing.

I push the dress down my stomach and over my hips, revealing my royal blue lace panties. The dress falls at my ankles. His hands go from resting on his lap to him groping himself.

"You know blue is my favorite color?" He asks

I shake my head no as I step out of the dress.

He smiles. "Touch your breasts."

I run my hands up my body and up to my breasts taking them into both of my hands, massaging them.

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