Chapter 3

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Word count: 5113

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Enjoy!! ♥️


He opened the door to the hotel room and gestured for me to enter first, closing it securely behind us. The distinct click of the deadbolt echoed in the room, amplifying the realization that I had willingly stepped into a situation I wasn't entirely sure about. The decision to be here, an impulsive choice, was already gnawing at the edges of my comfort zone.

I heard Jey's voice breaking through my thoughts, "You okay?"

I offered a reassuring smile, though the unease lingered beneath the surface. "Mmhmm, yeah. Why do you ask?"

"You've been quiet the whole way back to the hotel."

"Everything's fine." I replied, my fingers instinctively reaching for my phone. Nervous energy pulsed within me, manifesting as I began absentmindedly fidgeting with the device. Despite my reservations, I couldn't help but watch Jey, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken anticipation that lingered in the room.

He tosses the room card and car keys onto the desk, followed by extracting his wallet from his pocket, placing it beside them. His phone emerges next, captivating his attention as he navigates through it with a discernible hint of irritation. Something seemed to be bothering him, though he attempted to conceal it.

Observing his subtle struggle, I couldn't help but inquire, "Everything okay?"

He looks up briefly, assuring me with a curt "Yeah." before settling onto the bed and removing his shoes. Finally deciding to relax, I set my purse down and wandered over to the window. The captivating skyline of downtown Chicago sprawled out before me—a picturesque view I hadn't experienced before. The thought of extending our stay flickered in my mind, enticed by the allure of this vibrant city.

As I gazed out the window, lost in the city lights, Jey approached from behind, his hands gently finding their place on my hips.

"What's the goal?" he whispered, pressing his body against mine, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

"Huh?" I asked, slightly confused.

"How many times you wanna cum tonight?" he says, planting a single kiss on my shoulder.

"We're setting goals?" I ask, amusement in my voice.

"Yeah, and I'ma make sure it happens. So what's the goal?" he inquires.

"I don't know." I respond, taking this as a joke. I'm not sure how serious he is, but his expression suggests he's dead ass serious.

"I was thinking 10." he declares. " I want to make that body of yours melt under my touch."

His words were kind of a turn on, but I had to purposely avoid commenting on that.

"10?" I giggle a little. "Okay," I say, adding a touch of sarcasm to my tone.

"What? You think I can't hit it?" He steps from behind me and leans against the window, wearing a challenging smile. It's almost as if he's daring me to doubt him.

"10 is a lot," I say.

"I can do it. You think I can't?" He seems almost offended by my comment.

I chuckle. "I didn't say that."

"You said 10 is a lot, meaning you don't think I can do it. You wanna bet?" He challenges.

I laugh, but I see he's dead serious. "You're serious?"

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