Chapter 13

513 23 78

Word count: 4647

"I don't see anything wrong with this. If you guys fell in love on a 4 1/2 hour flight. Cool. I think it's beautiful and that's your story......But, I just wanna make sure she's safe and she's not falling into any shit getting involved with you." my dad says, addressing Jey directly.

Oh....shit.... My mom had to have told him. My dad is about to tear up this restaurant.


"Sir...I'm not—." Jey tries to interject, but my dad interrupts him.

"Let me finish..." my dad insists, turning back to Jey. "You're Solofa's son, right?"

I rest my chin on my hand, leaning on the table in disbelief. I can't believe he's known about this all this time and he didn't say anything. I continue holding onto Jey's hand with my free one for support. But I don't know what to say. He's going to be so disappointed in me.

"We're not about to go there." I say.

"You know my father?" Jey asks

"No. I said we're not going there."

"Hazel calm down, would you just let me finish what I'm trying to say?" My dad says. "I don't know your father. I know of your family. I've heard the name around. I don't know exactly what to think of the rumors that I've heard. But, I hope they aren't true. Again, I want to make sure my daughter isn't falling into any shit being involved with you." He repeats

"She's not." Jey says

"Can you give me your word on that?"

"I can give you my word, I can put that on my life. No harm will ever come to her. I'll die before that happens." Jey vows.

"Wait. What are we talking about?" I ask confused.

"He knows what I'm talking about." my dad says. "I like you, Josh. I can't deny anything that I've seen between the two of you. You guys look in love, you act in love. I can feel it just sitting here. I only want the best for my daughter. I have to let you know, as soon as I hear anything, you and I are going to have a talk.

"Yes, sir." Jey says with a nod.

Despite the initial tension, the night turns out great. We talk for hours at the restaurant, and my dad and Jey seem to hit it off well. I'm excited about that. While my mom is hesitant due to the situation, I'm grateful she didn't tell my dad about Jey's marital status. That would have been chaos. But we're working on resolving that.


Once we returned to our penthouse, my parents decided to stay for another drink. Surprisingly, Jey and my dad bonded over cars, and my dad even extended an invitation for Jey to join him at the country club for a game of golf. I was taken aback. My dad genuinely likes him. Thank God for that.

We watched as my parents stepped into the elevator and left. As soon as the doors close, Jey turns to me.
"What?" I inquire.

He smiles and closes the distance between us. Placing his hand on my cheek, he gently wraps his fingers around my head, while his thumb tenderly caresses my bottom lip.

"Hazel, I've missed your lips all day." He says gazing into my eyes, running his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip.

I can feel my body heating up from head to toe as his warm lips softly and slowly meet mine. His tongue glides along my lips until they part slightly. He continues to kiss me, nipping at my lower lip.

His hands go behind my neck and he pulls me closer. As we deepen the kiss, his hand goes down to my waist and cups my ass through my dress. When I feel his hard erection against my stomach, I moan into his mouth and try to break free from his grasp. I already know this hornball is about to try it.

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