Chapter eight-"Poking The Bull"

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Glenn backed the cube van up as I sat next to Amy"are you worried"She asked looking over at me"Yeah I just got my dad back"I say looking down biting my lip"Its gonna be okay"She said placing her hand on my knee

Honking could be heard from the cube van"Come on let's go!"Daryl yelled I stood up just as Glenn got out  of the van I walked up to him"please please be careful"I say grabing his hands"We will ill bring your dad back"I smiled up at him"Thanks Glenn"I pulled him into a hug

My head was on his chest and my arms around his waist his hands rapped around my back I pulled away and rapped my hands around his neck I leaned into him kissing him softly his hands slid down to my hips we pulled away with a smile

"Come back okay love"He chuckled and gave me one more quick kiss"Always Angle eyes"I shook my head as he made his way to the front seat and got into the cube van I ran up to dad"Love you dad"I said wirh a smile"I love you to Avery I'll be back"He touched my shoulder and brought me into a hug

He kissed my forhead and pulled away"we gotta go"He said getting into the cube van I always hated this part you never knew if this was gonna be a goodbye and I hated the feeling I watched as the cube can drove away from us Shane stood there holding his gun bag over his shoulder

I shook my head and walked off and into me and Glenn's tent I didn't know what else to do I layed down I really hope that wasn't a goodbye o wish I would have stood up to Glenn and told him I was going but he's right I never been to town exept for that one time

I don't know what I'm doing and that could get me killed the flap of the tent opened and Carl walked in sitting next to me"there gonna be okay"I sat up and held his hand"Your a sweet boy Carl"He smiled up at me"Nothing has killed dad yet he's strong and Glenn will stop and nothing to get back to you"

How is this little boy so smart"Thanks Carl come here"I pulled him in for a hug we sat there foe awhile just enjoy eachothers company


I was sat with Amy and Carol  cleaning laundry while Shane and Carl was having fun I enjoyed seeing Carl smile"you and Glenn seem to be growing"Carol said with a smile"we are Glenn's the best boyfriend I ever had"I said with a smile

"Has he said I love you yet"Amy asked looking over at me"No not yet but I'm not gonna push him into saying it"I said with a smile cleaning one of Glenn's shirts"you are a good Girlfriend"Amy said looking up st me"your lucky"Carol said looking down I looked at her Counfusd but decided to ignore it

I know her an Ed are not the happiest couple out there in fact she shows up with bruses all the time shouting cut me off for my thoughts Shane was splashing in the water making Carl smile I chuckled shaking my head

"Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniels work"I chuckled at Jacki"The world ended didn't you get the memo"Amy said handing Jacki a peic of clothing"its just the way it is"Carol said

Andrea walked up next to me and plopped down I started scrubbing one if Ed's shirts who was just sitting down and watching us"I do miss my maytag"carol said as I rung out the shirt"I miss my Benz my sat nav"I miss a lot if things achully l"I miss my coffeemaker with that dual drip filter and built in grinder honey"

Oh I miss lattes coffee that's not black"My computer and texting"I sighed and looked down"I miss coffee to"I said looking back up at shane and carol"I miss my vibrator"I gasped and looked over at Andrea"Ohhh"We all said making her blush like crazy

"Oh my God!"Amy said shaking her head with a lauph"Me to"I started to laugh to the point my belly hurt it makes it even funnier because she's married I moved my Hand to the water and splashed her making her smile"whats so funny"Ed said walking down towards us

"Just swapping war stories Ed"Andrea said going back to work however he was walking behind us watching are every move I felt so uncomfortable I looked back up at him and rolled my eyes before I looked down and the clothes

"Problem Ed"Andrea asked stopping her work"Nothing that concerns you"I scoffed and looked up at him"and who does it concern"I asked angrily"Because Carol is a free woman she can do as she pleases"Carol looked st me begging like

"And you ought to focus on your work thus ain't to comedy club"Glenn would tell me to not do anything that could get me hurt and he would try and stop me to he'll with that I threw my brush into a bucket we had in the water

I don't think Ed has a right to talk to me or to carol in that way he should be kissing the ground that Carol walks on because I would have already left him so fast mom came and got Carl they were walking back up to camp

Okay that's it I'm so taird of Ed standing there watching us I held one of Ed's shirts in my hand I shook my head and stood up"Ed I'll tell you what"I said walking up to him"you don't like how your laundry is done you come down here and do it your damn self"I stood in front of him

"Here"I said throwing the shirt at him he tosted it back into my face roughly I gasped and that only made me angry I can hear Glenn's voice to tell me not to push it Oh and that just makes me want to push it"Aint my job missy"I scoffed holding the shirt

"Avery dont"Amy said coming up to me"What is your Job being a lazy ass sitting down smoking cigarettes"He looked down at me"well it sure as he'll ain't listening to some uppity smart mouth Bitch tell you what"At this point Glenn would have punched Ed for what he had said to me

"Come on let's go"Ed said trying to get Carol to go with him"Nah I don't think so you ass hole she dosan't need to go anywhere"I took a step closer towards him"and I say it's none of your business come on now"Carol who had got up started to walk closer to us

I turned around and grabed her shoulder I know if she goes there will be another bruse on her Andrea who was standing next to Amy looked at me with worry eyes"Avery please it doesn't matter"Oh but it does I know it does

"Hey"I turned around and faced Ed"Dont think I won't knock you on your ass just because you're daddy is in the inner circle of the group"I scoffed and looked back at carol"Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later"

Oh he'll no how dare he say that carol nodded slowly"So she can show up with fresh bruises later Ed yeah we've seen them"Jacki said Ed laughed"Stay out of this now come on!"Ed took a step closer to me and my hand start to shake

"You know what this ain't none of yall's business you don't want to keep prodding thr bull here okay now i am done talking"or what he'll hit more I'm sure my dad will be happy about that when he gets back

"Come on"Ed grabed Carol's arm and started to pull her away but I grabed the same arm"Carol I don't think you should go No stay"I said pulling her back"I don't want to"Carol begged with fear"You don't tell me what! I tell you what!"Ed yelled

I gasped when Ed slapped Carol I started to push him back trying to keep Ed from touching carol but what shocked me was when he punched me in the face I fell to thr lle ground when I felt to kicks to my stomach"Stop!"I heard Amy yell she was crying

"Don't touch her!"Andrea yelled trying to stop him but he just keep kicking I gasped for air as Amy held Carol protecting her I didn't even realize I was crying Ed had ended up on top of my punching Me almost to the point I past out

Some of the relief went away I looked up  with hooded eyds and saw that Shane had grabed Ed off Me was this my fault did I start all of this  I flinched when I heard punches but it wasn't towards me Shane was beating Ed

"Avery!"Amy said crouching down next to me as I tryed to tune back In"Avery are you okay!"I blinked slowly and I knew I had bruses Glenn was not gonna be happy about this when he got back

I felt blood triple down my forhead and my lip all of a sudden I blacked out this was my fault I should not have done this I got Carol hit.....

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