chapter forty four-"Judge jury"

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I closed my eyes as the sun went down I was sitting in me and Glenn's tent with Glenn beside me"Its almost time"I said taking a breath"Your dad's doing what he thinks is right"Glenn said grabing my hand"But never did I think he would kill someone who you guys brought back in the first place"

Glenn shook his head"I know"I looked away from him"Are you gonna be there"Glenn shook his head no"No I'm gonna be with you"I sniffed and rubbed my eyes"This is gonna change dad he's already different with just the thought"He rubber my hand"If doing this protects you then maybe its the right thing"Glenn leaned down and kissed me

I closed my eyes at the feeling I loved so much I wanted something to take my mind off everything"Glenn Avery the meeting Starting"I sighed and pulled away"Thanks Maggie were coming"I heard her footprints walk away"We better go"I said standing up and holding the flap open for him to walk through

He stood up and walked through it waiting for me out side once we were out there he grabed my hand and we started walking into the house once we got in Glenn sat on a stool by the piano while I sat on the couch near him dad stood behind me  everyone else was waiting for dad to talk

I looked behind me to see carl standing there Daryl looked back and forth at Dad to Carl before Carl walked away"So how do we do this"Glenn asked looking up at dad then over at me"Just take a vote"I don't want people to vote for something like this

"Does it have to be unanimous"Andrea asked looking around at all of us"How about majority rules"Mom asked standing by the door"Well let's let's just see where everyone stands then we can talk through the options"I looked down and started playing with my bracelet

"Well where I sit there's only one way to move forward"Shane said holding his belt"Killing him"Dale angrily said I feel like he's the only one who thinks we should save the kid take him out like we wanted to to begin with"Right I mean why bother to even a vote it's clear which way the winds blowing"

"Well if people believe we should spare him I wanna know"Dad said looking over at Dale"Well I can tell you it's a small group maybe just me and Glenn"I looked down at Glenn I knew what he thought he told me before all this Glenn looked up at Dale when Dale noticed he was shocked

"Look I--I think you're pretty much right about Everything all the time but this"He motion his hand towards me"Theyve go you scared"Dale shoted"Hes not one of us and we've we've lost too many people Already"Dale was upset at Glenn words I knew he was

"How about you do you agree with this"Dale said looking at Maggie who stood up at some point"Couldn't we continue keeping his prisoner"She asked looking over at Daryl"Just another mouth to feed"I hate how dad's right it's dangerous to keep him here keep him alive

"It may be a lean winter"The wether has been getting colder every day now"We could ration better"Mom suggested leaning against the door"Well he could be an asset give him a chance to prove himself"Dale begged trying to let Randle of the hook"Put him to work"Glenn said looking at me then Rick

"We're not letting him walk around"Thats true I wouldn't be able to sleep with him up and around"We could put an escort on him"Maggiesaid her arms folded"Who wants to volunteer for that duty"Shane said Andrea next to him"I will"Dale said

"I don't think any of us should be walking around with this guy"I sighed and looked around"Hes right I wouldn't feel safe unless he was tied up"I said for the first time in this meeting"We can't Exactly put chains around his Ankles sentence him to hard labor"I hate to agree with Andrea but she right

"Look say we let him join us right maybe maybe he's helpful maybe he's nice we let our guard down and maybe he runs off brings back his 30 men"The way Daryl made it sound the woman will get raped and Every guy we know will die I can't have that I can't lose Glenn and we can't lose the others either

"So the Answer is to kill him to prevent a crime that he may never even attempt"Yes that's true but we don't know him I wanna agree with Dale but I can't if killing saves our lives then we have to do it"If we do this we're saying there's no hope rule of law is dead there is no civilization"I closed my eyes Tightly"Oh my god"Shane said looking away from Dale

"Could you drive him further out leave him like you planned"I shook my head no"You guys barely came back this time there are walkers you could break down y-you could get lost"I say all eyes looked at me"Or get ambushed"Daryl said in the back of the room"Theyre right we should not put our own people at Risk"Glenn looked up at me then dad

"If you go through with it how would you do it"Patricia asked looking up at Dad"Would he suffer"I hope he dosan't he dosan't deserve to suffer or I don't know that he does but I wouldn't like it"We could hang him right snap his neck"Yeah but every movie I have watched it looked like it hurts but those are movies

"I thought about that shooting may be more humane"Faster to and no pain just one shot to the head and he'll feel nothing after that I hate that I just thought that but it'd true"And what about the body do we bury him"We bury the one we love before I got another thought on Dale stepped up"Hold on hold on you're talking about this like it's already decided"

"You've been talking all day going around in circles you just wanna go around in circles again"Daryl sais pacing in his spot"This is a young man's life and it is worth more than a minute conversation"Ive never seen Dale so upset it hurt to even watch because he's so upset I

"Is this what it's come to we kill someone because we can't decide what else to do with him you saved him and now look at us"I looked down dad saved him just for him to be killed I was trying to put that feeling down"Hes been tortured he's gonna be executed how are we any better than those people that we're so afraid of"

I looked up at Dale with a frown on his face should I agree if I agree dad might not kill the man but I don't agree I think if he gets out and leads his people out here I and the other woman are gonna have a he'll of a life and we'll watch the people we love die right in front of us and I couldn't let that happen to the other woman

"We all know what needs to be done"Shane said leaning against the wall"No Dale is right we can't leave any stone unturned here we have a responsibility-"Dad started but Andrea cut him off"So what's the other solution"I closed my eyes as everyone started talking at the same time

"Let Rick finish"I can't keep thinking about what will happen if the men do come back but i can decide something like this I stood up all eyes went to me as I pushed back Rick and mom passing them on the way out I couldn't deal with that I couldn't I pushed opened the door and ran out into the filds I needed some fresh air I mean wre

There were a few hey bails in the fild so I sat down on one tears were already starting to form in my eyes that pore pore kid he's gonna die Dale's right this is so wrong I put my hands over my eyes crying into them the sun was going down already it would be night soon

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