chapter Thirty seven-"Sophias funeral"

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This scene was so sad I cryed when Sophia walked out I felt bad for Carol the most Daryl made her have hope and I know why you cut himself off from everyone because he also had hope achully both episodes of this made me cry o was  depressed for like a week

Dad lowered his gun from what just happened Carol was crying harder then all of us I held my side in pain Daryl lifted Carol"Dont look don't lool"He said holding her tightly Carol pushed Daryl off of her and started running away

Beth was sobbing into her husband before she made her way past us and up to dad"Shh shh shh wait wait wait wait"Dad said to Beth trying to stop her but she shoved him off she walked up to someone and threw a walker off of her sobbing"Ma...."She sobbed flipping her mother over

Growling could be heard and it didn't take long for me to notice that her mother was not dead and was trying to eat her her screams could be heard around us I tryed to stand up but my side was hurting so badly everyone else made there way around her trying to get her mom off

Glenn grabed her mom's arms and tryed to pull them away from Beth Herhsal finally got up and went to his daughter's side T stomped her moms brains in with his foot but he only brock her neck"Glenn!"I yelled now that Beth's mom was trying to bite him I couldn't look away but I didn't want to watch

Andrea killed the walker with a gardening tool sending Beth's moms to the ground Glenn dropped her looking back at Me I had tears in my eyes I thought he was gonna get bit.....I thought I was gonna lose him Glenn walked up to me crouching down next to me"Are you okay"He asked grabing my arms

"S-sophia"I sobbed out bringing Glenn into a hug my shaky hands went around him"Shh Angle"Glenn whispered rubbing my back"come on"Glenn said helping me up Glenn held me into his chest as we all started to make are way back to the house

"We've been out we've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along you knew"Shane said I closed my eyes as Glenn held me tightly into him"Stop it shane please"I begged I didn'twant to hear any more"Hey Shane just stop man"Glenn said rubbing my back

"Get your hands off me"I stood up from Glenn and looked back at shane push dad away Glenn keep his hand on my back"you knew and you keep it from us"I glared at shane"I didn't know"Herhsal said holding Beth"Thats bullshit"Why can't he just stop he's done enough"I think yall knew"

I stepped away from Glenn and closer to Shane"THEY DIDN'T KNOW!"I yelled annoyed at shane"Why was she there!"Shane yelled in my face we got up to the house"Otis put those people in the barn maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed"

"You expect Me to believe that what do I look like fo I look like an idiot"I held Glenn's hand glaring at shane who was next to us"shane hey hey hey"Dad said pushing him away"I don't care what you believe"Hershal yelled"Everybody just calm down"Dad tryed keeping dhane away

"Get him off my land!"Hershal yelled pointing at shane"please no"Dad begged shane got up closer to hershal"Hey"Maggie slapped shane and I was extremely proud of her"Dont touch him!"Maggie yelled dad pushed shane out of the way Glenn held me to him watching the scene"Havent you done enough"

Maggie walked uo the steps and into the house with Beth and Patricia"I mean it off my land"I whimpered holding my side we couldn't leave this place was a home it was safe"Come on Angle"Glenn said dragging me towards are own camp when we got into are tent Glenn sat me down

"Let's look at your side"Glenn croched down next to me and lifted up my shirt it was bleeding"Im gonna have to change the bandage"He reached down and grabed a new bandage and started to un due the old one I hissed closing my eyes"im Sorry Angle"

I shruged"I wonder if they knew she was in the barn"I opened my eyes"N-No the look Maggie gave I don't think she knew"He nodded slowly rapping up my new bandage"You know Maybe this is for the best at least we know and now we can move on"Glenn said putting my shirt down

For the best it would be better maybe that way we not sitting there wondering ware she is"Move on"I said as he stood up and sat next to me on our bed if it was that easy I'm not moving on any time soon"Yeah it's just like"Glenn said taking my hand"It meant so much to you and everyone finding her and then--"He shook his head

"What so now were supposed to move on"I said tears forming in my eyes"If we can I mean we've lost others"He looked like he was gonna cry he chuckled and I looked at him Counfusd"This is this is Sophia"He raised his voice slightly looking over at me I nodded I knew what he meant I felt the same thing

"The whole group Angle this one was different"I whimpered hating myself that I did Glenn sighed and put his arm over my shoulders"W-what do we do know Glenn"I sobbed into his shoulder"we bury her"He said brushing a peice of hair behind my ear"And then"I sobbed whipping my tears

Glenn sighed and leaned down kissing my forhead I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling he pulled away from me"I don't know Angle"I sniffed and looked up at him"hes gonna kick us off the farm"I sighed shaking my head"Then well figure it out Angle together okay"I nodded and leaned into him

"You should get some rest Angle"I looked up at him I didn't want to argue in fact I kinda wanted to take a nap"ill let you know when It's Sophia's funeral"I nodded and layed down"can you lay with me"He nodded and got next to me I smiled and leaned my head On his chest I closed my eyes and fell asleep faster then I thought I would


Glenn shook me awake standing over me"Hey Angle it's time"I sighed and sat up rubbing my eyes I stood up from the bedc"Come on Angle"Glenn said taking my hand We walked out of the tent once we got to the barn we stood in front of the Graves

I stood next to Glenn who had his arm rapped around my waist gun in his other hand I looked down and I noticed Carol wasn't here I looked down at the pile of dirt Sophia was under I really believed that we would find her

We didn't say anything we just stood there in silence that was intell we had enough and all of us went separate ways even I went off by myself I didn't want to talk to anybody I didn't want to use my voice or be anywhere near anybody I just wanted to cry alone 

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