chapter Fifty-"Survived the Winter"

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Dad Bust opened a door of a house we had found and shot whatever walker was in there T follow behind him killing the other with a crow bar I looked behind me at Carl as I follow Daryl in we had survived that winter but it wasn't pretty

I walked into the kitchen with my gun up I jumped back when Carl was on the other end of the kitchen both of our guns pointed at eachother'Sorry'I mouthed he nodded and lowered his gun I whistled only for Carl to hear it before I pointed at the back door of the kitchen

He nodded rasing his gun Making his way towards it gun up I walked behind him just in case he opened the door and the hinges squeak there were two walkers I raised my gun and shot one at the same time Carl had the blood going on a window as the walkers body fell I nodded pointing my finger back the way we came

Are job was to be as quiet as possible intell the house was clear we walked back into the kitchen and looked through the cans when dad walked in standing behind us the back door opened in the kitchen I smiled as Glenn walked in shovel in hand he looked me up and down checking for any scratches

Me and Glenn got super close the last few months I mean we were always close but we were even more so now huddling in meat lockers together can do that to you Glenn rubbed my arm smiling at me I smiled back at walked into the other rooms checking them over T dog maggie and Daryl made there way down the stairs Owle in hand picking off the fur

Glenn placed down his shovel to help me move the walker out I picked up his feet and Glenn lifted his shoulder dad whistled calling the other to come into the house we put the walker on the other one we've done this hundred times during the winter we were used to it I smiled when mom walked in she has grown a baby bump

She smiled back at me and made her way into the living room to place her stuff down Dad closed the door and I walked into the living room and sat on a couch rubbing my eyes as Glenn went through the bag on the floor he got up and walked up to me sitting down handing me the crackers

I smiled at him taking it I smiled when I took a bit we haven't Ate in a long time Carl came in second latter placing down a can of dog food I sighed and looked down as he got the can opener out of the bag before he started to open it I looked up at dad who stood next to me walked up to him

Maggie had a frown on her face as she leaned into Daryl who was still picking off furr of the owel dad picked up the can food and tossed it across the room Daryl jumped looking up at dad I leaned into Glenn as the room was filled with silence we didn't talk a whole lot anymore

I handed the cracker back to Glenn for him to take a bite"Psst"T warned us I quickly got up and held out my gun I followed Glenn who followed Daryl out of the back to of the house and we ran up to the car Glenn threw open the back and I placed the blanket in and ran up to a gardening tool a snarl behind me made me run faster

I threw it in the back of the car and Hershal shut it I jumped into the car next to Hershal and we drove away from the house like we never even been there walkers following behind us however it didn't take us long to lose them


We parked in the middle of the road and started to get out of the cars I threw my pack over my shoulder before I walked around the car and over to Glenn who held a map in his hands he placed it on the hood and I helped him spreed the map out"We got no place left to Go"T said walking up to us

"When this herd meets up with this one well be cut off"I said pointing at the map two herds om each side of us how great is that"Well never make it south"Maggie said next to me"what would you say that was about 150 head"Glenn moved next to Hershal who stood next to me

"That was last week it could be twice that by now"Glenn said looking at Daryl Glenns not wrong they could have meet up with another herd along the way"This river could have delayed them if we move fast we might have a shot to tear right through"I looked up at herself and over at dad who was next to me now

"Yeah but if this group joins with that one they could spill put this way"I looked at the map trying to find a way out but couldn't"Were blocked"I say tapping my fingers on the car"Only thing to do is double back at 27and swing towards Greenville"We been that why though we have got to find another way

"Yeah we picked through that already it's like we spent the winter going in circles"T said speaking what was on all of out minds"yeah I know I know at Newnan well push west haven't been through there yet we can't keep going house to house need to find someplace to hole up for a few weeks"Dad said looking at kori who was sat in the car

I rolled up the map"All right it cool if we get to the creek before we head out won't take long we got to fill up on water we can boil it later"T asked as I put the map back in the car"Knock yourself out"We started walking into the woods ware the creek was"Hey"I looked up at Glenn with a smile"Your beautiful today"

I loved Glenn even though I looked like shit he always knew how to make me smile"Thanks Love"He nodded as we got to the creek I croched down and took off my pack and took out the few clothes I had in there once I was fine washing my clothes I put them back in my bag

"Here"Glenn said reaching over me with a rag before he started wiping my face getting rid of all the blood and dirt I blushed looking down Glenn looked down at me admiring me as he wiped my face I looked up at him through my eyelashes I loved moments like this it made me feel like there's happiness in a world full of hell

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