chapter Forty two-"crying buddies"

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We sat at the table for a meeting about the kid"we couldn't just leave him behind he would have bled outdated least we know why they were gone so long I stood next to Maggie folding my arms"If he lived that long"That kid we barly know him we can't trust him

"It's gotten bad in town"Glenn said with a frown he looked so tired something had to happen in town he seems so different I looked at him worry starting to show in my eyes He just wouldn't look at Me he avoided eye contact

"What do we do with him"Andrea asked shaking her head"I repaired his calf muscle as best I can"I looked up at Herhsal who walked in whipping hid hands off"But he'll probably have nerve damage won't be on his feet for at least a week"Thats a week of having to be afraid of him

"When he is we give him a canteen take him out to thr main road send him on his way"What about the people he was with do we have to look our for those guys"Isnt that the same as leaving him for the walkers"Maggie looked at the door as Daryl walked in"Hell have a fighting chance"Maggie looked away from Daryl

"Just gonna let him go he knows where we are"Shane said annoyed why was Shane always on the fight"He was blindfolded the whole way here he's not a threat"Dad told Shane"Hes not a threat how many of them were there you killed three of their men you took one hostage but they just ain't gonna come looking"

Shane's got a point but dad says we're safe"They left him for dead No one is looking"I nodded someone had to watch just in case"We should still post a guard"I said looking around at everyone"Hes out cold right now will be for hours"at least we don't have to deal with him quite yet

"You know what I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy"Shane started to walk out"Look at this folks we back in fantasy land"before Shane got out of the door Hershal pointed at him"You know we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet"Shane turned around to face Hershal

"Let me make this perfectly clear once and for all this is my farm now I wanted you gone Rick talked me out of it but that dosan't mean I have to like it so do us both a favor keep your mouth shut"Shane had a stupid grin on his face and I wanted to slap it off of him he may have saved my life back at the start but I don't care anymore he's a different man

I was also proud of Hershal Shane stormed out of the house Dad walked up to hershal"Were nit gonna do anything about it today let's just cool off"Everyone made there way out if the room and when Glenn past me I went after him I needed to find out what happened it looked like he couldn't get out of there fast enough

I touched Glenn back making him turn around"Can I talk to you"I asked nervously I walked into the kitchen ware nobody can see us at the moment he followed me"Whats going on with you"I asked once we got into the kitchen he sighed standing in front of me before he leaned on the doorfram of the kitchen

"Herhsal saved my life today and your dad saved us both"I looked at him Counfusd"And I--"He paused out of words"I froze"Awe pore thing got so scared"Well you were being shot at"I said shaking my head He sighed looking down"I know but-"Does he want to prove himself is this what this is about"You don't have anything to prove"I said shaking my head

"All I've done then this---okay"He sounds so hurt its killing me I just wanted to hug him he looked away and then looked down"Its because of what you said"I knew I should have never told him"What that I love you"He nodded and looked down"Yeah a bullet hit the wall behind me and I I thought of you losing me hurting"

My face fell I wanted to cry"And I couldn't take it so I'd hid to stay alive "He wanted to stay alive for me Awe "Glenn"I cryed reaching my hands up to touch his cheeks but he grabed my wrists"No no no"A tear slipped from my eyes as he pushed me away from him"no you don't get it your dad hershal they were coughing on me and I only thought of myself"

I watched as he walked away from me was this my fault God I'm so stupid for telling him I loved him so stupid I whimpered but covered my mouth with my hand I didn't want to cry I didn't want to he was mad at me I sobbed into my hand"A-Avery"I looked up at Maggie who had tears in her own eyes

"Maggie"I ran up to her and hugged her sobbing into her shoulder"He hates me"I sobbed into her shoulder she rubbed my back up and down as she sniffed"How could I be so stupid to tell him I loved him"She pulled away from me"Your not stupid he it"Maggie said looking at me

"If he's mad because you told him how you feel then that'd stupid of him"I nodded whipping my tears"W-why are you crying"She shook her head"me and my dad got into it"She said shaking her head"He left us he left Beth and I didn't know what to do"She said I hugged her once more

I'm sorry this chapter was so short ots late and I wanted to go to sleep so it's a short one I'll have a longer one soon don't worry

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