Chapter twenty five-"Chick on a horse"

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Glenn's pov

We were still walking towards the Rv they have been gone for way to long it's been more then an hour Daryl stopped and looked at us"well lose the light before too long"The sun is going down"I think we should call it"I agreed partly because I had to Daryls in charge

"Let's head back"Lori said holding Carl's hand"Well pick it up again tommow"Pore Carol We had to leave Sophia out here another night I have no idea what she's going through none of us do except maybe Lori since she had a kid

"Yeah well find her Tommow"I frowned looking forward I was still so worried about Avery I really had a bad feeling and I didn't know what it was Daryls whistle brought me out of my own thoughts I shook my head before I followed him

I was in my own little world while we walked I keep thinking about Avery no matter what my mind keep drifting to her the leaves crunched under me as I walked holding my weapon and my backpack on my shoulder I really really like Avery I would be a different person if I lost her

"How much farther"Lori cut me out of my thoughts"Not much maybe a hundred yards as the crow flies"I looked at Daryl before looking back down"Too bad we're not crows"I was exhausted we been looking for Sophia all day screaming had me stop in my spot and looked around

I didn't see Andrea"Andrea!"Lori yelled"Mom!"Carl screamed holding her hand we ran back the way we came my eyes were wide she was on the ground screaming with a walker on top of her my eyes went even bigger when a chick on a horse wacked the walker off of Andrea

"Lori Lori Grimes"The chick said holding a bat in her hands"Whoa"She told the horse"Im lori"I looked at her Counfusd"Rick sent me you've got to come now"She yelled down at us"What"Lori said with fear"Theres been an accident Avery's been shot"

My face went pale as I stood there in shock is she okay is she dead...I know I should have told her to stay"Shes still alive but you've got to come now Rick needs you just come"Lori looked back at me"Can you watch Carl please keep him in your sights"

I nodded slowly"Of course go"Lori took off her pack"Mom don't leave me I wanna go"Carl cryed next to me "Carl I'm gonna need you to stay with Glenn baby please!"She said reaching her hand out to Maggie"Theres enough room for him"The chick said

"Okay Okay"However Lori was already on the horse so I lifted Carl up and Lori sat him down in thr middle"Whoa whoa whoa we don't know this girl"Daryl shouted"you can't get on that horse"I wanted to be with Avery if she's shot she's in a lot of pain"Rick said you had others on the highway that big traffic snarl"She said looking at my pale face

"Uh huh"I said noding"Backtrack to Fairburn road two miles down is our Farm you'll see the mailbox thr names Greene Hyah"The horse started to run away I could think about was Avery what if she's dies I can't lose her a tear slipped from my eye and I didn't even realize it

The walker sitting up had me snap out of it"Shut up"Daryl said shooting the walker I looked back at the direction of the horse Avery needs me more then ever"Glenn you All right"I looked in front of Mr at Daryl who was waving his hand in front of my face"you spaced out come on the sooner we get back to the highway the sooner you get back to your girl"

Once we got to the Rv Dale was already wait for us"Averys been shot!"I said with fear looking up at him"Shot what do you mean shot!"I stepped over the railing"I don't know Dale I wasn't there all I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like zorro on a horse and took Lori and carl"

I looked over at Daryl"you let her"Dale looked over at Daryl"Climb down out of my asshole man Rick sent her"I didn't know why Daryl had to be an ass about it"She knew Lori's name and Averys"Daryl walked away from us

"I heard screams was that you"She sounded so scared back when that walker almost got her"she got attacked by a walker it was a close call"I said holding my bag"Andrea are you alright"Dale cares so much he's vary wize

Andrea looked back at Dale shaking her head before she went into the Rv I rubbed my eyes dropping my bag"Are you okay"Dale asked looking at me"This is Avery Dale"I said taking off my hat"I mean she's the lov- she my girlfriend Dale"I said looking down

Dale walked up to me an patted my shoulder"Shes strong not many people see it but she is"I sniffed shaking my head"We need to get ready to go"I said walking away from him he's not wrong she's the strongest person I know

Rick pov

I watched as Lori and got of the horse Lori looked so hurt she was crying once she got off I was fast to huge her tightly I thrn croxhed down in front of Carl who was blubbering"Shh she's gonna be okay"I said holding his hands

"Let's go see your sister"I crabed both of there hands and walked up to the house and into the bedroom"Sissy!"Carl ran up to her holding her hand I held Lori in my arms who Cryer mouth hung open"Im sorry"I whispered to her holding her head and kissing it

She let out a shaky breathe before she put her hand on Carl's shoulder"Mom I don't want her to die"my heart broke a little more at Carl's words Carl walked around the bed and layed by her sister holding one of her hands Lori dud the same thing rubbing Averys face

"My baby girl"She cryed snuggling into her"My baby girl baby girl"This was all my fault Lori's going through this because of me"Its okay Mama's here mama's here your gonna be okay"She whispered to her I walked up to her and placed my hand on her side"your gonna be okay"She grabed my hand tightly her pore hand shaking

Glenn must be freaking out Everyone's hurting because I didn't listen to Shane I should have he was even telling Avery we shouldn't look for the girl

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