chapter thirty five-"Water run for Dale"

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I watched from a distance as Glenn tryed to talk to Maggie she was just as pissed as I thought she was gonna be she held a basket of eggs in her hand as she walked past Glenn but stopped walking up to him I couldn't hear anything they were saying but I new I didn't have to be jealous

Glenn took off his hat and handed it to her I didn't want to laugh but I did went Maggie put an Egg in the hat and smashed it onto Glenn's head I snorted as she turned around with a smirk on her face I made my way up to her"Hey Maggie"She smiled at me as we walked side by side

"Your boyfriends an ass"I snorted looking bsck at him as he watched us walk"Hes not he's just trying to do the right thing"I say with a shrug"I don't think you should be so mad at him"I say honestly looking down"I mean Daryl would have done the same thing"

She sighed but nodded"Your right he would have"I looked up at her"How are you and Daryl"She looked over st me"He said he was thinking about being something more but that was days ago"She said with a sigh"Give him time mags he's not used to someone seeing him in that way"

She stopped once we got to the house and turned to look at me"I really like him"She said with a sigh"Hell come around Maggie don't worry"She smiled and pulled me onto a hug"Ill try to forgive Glenn"I pulled away from her"Thank you"she nodded and picked her egg basket back up before going into the house

I sighed putting my hands in my back pocket I walked back up to The camp ware Glenn had a new shirt on and was on top of the Rv taking watch I sighed and climbed up the ladder and stood next to him"Hey"I said looking down"Hey"He said holding the rifle

"I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day"He waved me off"You we're upset Angle it's okay"I smiled and leaned into him"Im still sorry"He looked over at me"I think I'm gonna tell dad about Shane and mom"He looked over at me shocked"He has a right to knoe"He nodded slowly

"I think if that what you wanna do then it'd for the best"I sighed leaning my head on his shoulder"Hey"Me and Glenn looked down at Andrea"Hey"Glenn said looking over at me"If you see Dale can you tell him I'm looking for him"Glenn nodded"yeah sure"She smiled

"Thanks"She said before walking into the Rv"you don't have to take watch with me"Glenn said looking over at me"No but I want to love"He sighed and nodded"hows your side I noticed you were holding it earlier"I looked him in the eyes"Im fine Glenn I promise it just starts to hurt more when I'm stressed or when something like that is going on"

He nodded slowly"You know you can rest every once in awhile"I kissed his cheek"I know"He looked past Me I turned and saw Dale"Andreas looking for you"Glenn said looking down at him"Thank you Glenn"Dale seemed off I didn't know what it was but he just seemed off

"Any chance you got an extra hat"Glenn asked Dale shook his head no"Nope"He took of his own hat and threw it towards Glenn Glenn caught it with ease almost hitting me in the process but i doged his hand "Thanks"Glenn said as Dale went into the rv

"Hey has Dale been acting weird"I asked looking over at Glenn"Now that you mention it yeah he had been but I think it has something to do with Andrea"I hummed maybe Glenn's right speaking of Andrea she stormed out of the rv I knew that her and Dale had yet another fight

You know me and Andrea were once close due to Amy but recently she's been really rude to Dale and Dale dosan't deserve that because all he's doing is caring for her"You okay"Glenn asked Dale"Yeah"Glenn looked up at me Counfusd I shruged

"Do you and Avey mind running and getting me some water I just--I need a second"I nodded slowly but why both if us"Youll keep watch"I looked over at Glenn waiting for Dale's answer when he didn't Answer Glenn yelled his name"Dale"

"Yeah sure"Glenn nodded and started going down the ladder I followed looking down but before I got to the ground Glenn grabed my waist and brought me to the ground I giggled"Thanks love"He nodded grabing my hand We walked up to the buckets we keep water in

"I'm worried about Dale"I said honestly noding"Me to but I think he'll be okay"Glenn got some water but before we left he leaned into me kissing me I smiled into the kiss closing my eyes tightly he pulled away a huge smile on his face"Ive missed that"I chuckled nudging him

"Let's go give this to Dale"He looked me up and down and nodded he grabed my hand again and we walked back to the Rv"Here you go Da-"Glenn started to say but realized he wasn't in the Rv he stepped back out"He wasn't in there"I looked at him Counfusd

"Huh he's always here"I said looking around for him"Yeah well maybe he just want to go talk to Andrea again"I nodded"yeah maybe"

Maggie pov

I was pissed at Daddy those things aren't people Daryl saved me from one when I followed him out into the woods he's gonna send these amazing people out to that Dad not the same as he once was

I was Choping some green onions for dinner when dad walked in"Hi honey"I just ignored him if dad dosan't let them stay I will never have a chance with Daryl I pick apart the green onions and threw it down angrily after his talk with Rick he's still gonna throw them out

Daddy turned around and stood in front of me"Avery doesn't need any more of my help"I nodded slowly"So that's it"Its not just Daryl its Avery to she's been so sweet to me and I didn't want her to go"Rick was trying to make his case"I looked up as he sat down but went back to throwing the food

"It'll be hard Theyll have to be careful but he was being dramatic"Those things kill people they kill them I was almost killed if Daryl wasn't smart enough to know I was following him I would have died dad has no idea what these things really are

"They're a strong group they've done well on their own they're just gonna have to go out and find their own farm"Oh yeah what farm every time I make a run into town the farms I past by are all gone"Theres plenty of them now to chose from"

I choped some more"There aren't every one of them nearby is burned out or full of walkers"I said trying not to cry old dad would have taken them in already"Walkers"He said noding slowly with a chuckle"So we just keep these people here forever"It wouldn't be a bad thing not to me

"How are they my responsibility"Maybe I just need to remember him what he once said to me when I was angry and I was hurt"A new command I give to you"I said telling him what he told me"Love one another as I have loved you that's what you told me right I said looking him in the eyes

"I was mad about mom mad about you marrying Annette I was 14 years old and I was Awful"I was I did terrible things that I'm different now I'm older more to dad then anybody"To you more than Anybody all I wanted to do was smoke and shoplift"I was holding in tears butbi knew I would cry by the end of this

"Love one another that's what you told me"I told him again he looked down"Maggie"I shook my head"that was different"No no it wasn't a different man maybe"No"I said shaking my head"Your different"

"I am"Dad agreed noding towards me"But we're not I love you that's part of this"Why did he think they will hurt Me"Is this about you and that redneck do you wan-"I shook my head"No"I cryed I wanted him to stay yes but new he wouldn't"His name is Daryl"I said trying to dry my tears

"He saved my life yesterday when I followed him out to the woods and one of the people you think is sick tried to kill me how's that for dramatic"So much for me trying to dry my tears my voice gave it away"Things aren't what you think they are they aren't don't do this okay it's not about me and Daryl"I begged

"It's not about me and you its about you it's about who you are who your gonna be"I sniffed"Hershel!"Jimmy ran into the room fear on his face"It happened again They always have there guns out always there not helping this vary much are they

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