Chapter eleven-"Ricks plan"

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The whole camp stood ways away from Andrea who started to drag Amy into a grave my lip was quivering Glenn's arm around my waist as we stood next to mom Carl's hand gripped my hand mom arms around his shoulders

Andrea wanted to do it herself and when Dale tried to help her she looked up at him"I can do it I can do it"She said crying I was trying to hold my tears in as I thought of the first time I meet Amy she was so sweet she was an amazing best friend

Dale leaned down to help yet again and Andrea finally gave him Dale lifted her feet into the grave while Andrea held her head A quite sob flew from my lips and I turned around into Glenn and layed my head in his shoulder covering my eyes with my hand

"Come on Avs were done she's burned"Glenn said holding my back as we started to walk back down the hill Glenn never let go of my back Glenn lead us to the campfire and sat us down still rubbing my back"Pore Andrea"I said looking over at her"Shes  gonna be okay"

I looked up at him and leaned into him dad had an idea about Going to The C.D.C I don't know if we Going there our not"I know she will"I say looking down"do you want to go take a nap Avs you looks so taired"I looked over at Glenn"I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyway babe"

He sighed nodding I watch as Shane and my dad walked into the forest for his sweep"Im gonna go change"I said getting up and walking into me and Glenn's tent I sat down with a sigh before I threw off Glenn's bloody shirt and threw on one of my own

I closed my eyes before I made my way out towards camp ware everyone was sitting around Andrea However finally got some sleep she needed it more then any of us"Het bud how are you doing"I asked passing by carl"Im okay Avs how about you sis"I put my hand on his head

"I'm okay I'm sad"I sighed and croched down"Dont worry dad's gonna keep us safe"I leaned I to him and kissed his cheek I stood up and made my way over to Glenn on the other side of the camp fire"Hey"He said when I got to him"How is he"

I looked back over at Carl who was frowning"hes okay I think he's just scared"Glenns hand went up to my back I was so thankful he was here I looked up at him He was looking at me with a worried look

"I'm okay"I said leaning closer into him"Im just checking on you it's been hard the last few days"Glenn said taking of his hat and rubbing his head"Ill get rest when we get this work done"I said looking down"Avs we got all the work done"

I nodded slowly"Something always comes up"Glenn sighed and put back on his hat before putting his hand back on my back Shane and dad walked back into camp Shane stood in front of us he pit his gun down"Ive  uh I've been thinking"shane said as dad walked up next to Carl

"About Ricks plan"I sat down in a chair in front of Glenn who leaned down and put his hands on my shoulders"Now look there are no--There are no guarantees either way I'll be the first one to admit that"Shane said crouching on his knee

"I've know this man a long time I trust his instincts I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together"I agree 100% we can't separate again because yesterday might happen all over again"So those of you that agree we leave first thing in the morning"

I geuss I should have known we would be leaving this place wasn't safe"we leave first thing in the morning"I sighed and rubbed my eyes I didn't really wanted to be here ware my best friend died anyway"Okay"He nodded towards us

"Alright tonight we'll pack up and then tommow we'll do the tents"I nodded and walked away Glenn followed me into are tent"Do you think we should leave"Glenn asked as I grabed my pack"im not to found of going to the city but if we can get Jim help I'm all for it"

I packed all my stuff into the bag Glenn did the same thing"Im gonna miss this place"I say honestly looking around at the tent"I know Avs"Glenn stopped me from packing putting his hand on mine"Are you okay"I closed my eyes trying to keep the tears in

"It's just this is were we meet Glenn ware we got together I'm just gonna miss it"He grabed my hands"None of that will change when we leave we don't need the past because we have echother right now"I smild up at him and leaned into him kissing him softly

We stood around Shane and dad camp was already packed up tents and all last night I couldn't get any sleep what so ever even if Glenn's arms were rapped around me all night"Everybody listen up"shane yelled to get our attention

"Those of you with C.B.s we're gonna be on channel 40"Shane explained holding his gun"Lets keep the chatter down okay you got a problem don't have a C.B. can't get a single or anything at all you're gonna hit your horn one time"

My pack was around my back while Glenn's hand was in mine"Thatll stop the caravan any questions"I didn't have any I didn't really want to ride in the Rv but knew Glenn is riding in there and I wasn't going to leave his side not intell I felt safe again

"We're uh we're not going"My face paled we were going to lose more people Morails dosan't want to stay"We have family in Birmingham we wanna be with our people"Morales wife said while holding her daughters shoulder

"You go on your own you won't have anyone to watch your back"Shane said sternly"well take the chance I got to do what's best for my family"I understand that and I know dad will to"You sure"Dad asked holding his belt"we talked about it we're sure"

I sighed gripping Glenn's hand tighter"all right"Dad said crouching down digging through the gun bag once they found what they were looking for dad walked up to Morails with a gun and Shane had a box of bullets"Box is half full"

I looked over at Daryl who was obviously angry we were giving the guns away"Thank you all for everything"Mom jumped off of Carol's car and walked over to Morails wife giving her a hug

Shane shook Morails hand and I dropped Glenn's walking over to Morails"Take care every"He put his hand out to shake but i pushed his hand away and pulled him I to a hug at first he was shocked but then he hugged me Back

I pulled away with tears in my eyes"I don't know what were gonna do without are rock man"He chuckled remembering back to when he pilled up rocks for the fire"How about you take over I think you got the skill"I sniffed Cryer shaking my head

"Be careful"He nodded and I walked bsck over to Glenn who looked down with a frown"what makes you think our odds are any better"Shane said looking at dad my hand was on Glenn's back"Come on let's go move out!"Glenn grabed my hand and led me to the Rv i sat on the double seat in the front with Glenn

His head was stuck out the window my hand was on his knee while Dale drove down the gravel road"You okay Glenn"I asked as he looked out the window"no yeah I'm good"He said shaking his head the worse thing about it was you could here Jim in pain in the back

"I'm just checking"I said rubbing his knee Glenn lifter up the map and showed Dale witch way to turn I leaned my head On Glenn's shoulder closing my eyes I felt safe next to Glenn so I know I can sleep for a couple hours my eyes shut and I ended up falling asleep quicker then I thought I would

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