Chapter twenty four-"Hershals people"

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Glenn pov

Why just one gunshot they wouldn't waist a bullet if it's just one walker I knew Avery wanted to go but I had a bad feeling she wanted to find Sophia for Carol that's why I like her so much she's just an amazing girl

Daryl didn't want to stop so we just keep walking"Your still worrying about it"I thought Andrea was talking to be intell she turned around I looked at Lori who was stood still looking back at ware we heard the shot

"It was a gunshot"She said holding Carl's shoulder"we all heard it"I looked over at Daryl"Why one"I looked back over at Lori"Why just one gunshot"I been asking myself that question to"Maybe they took down a walker"I doubt she believes that she knows Rick wouldn't take down one Walker with a gun

"Please don't patronize me you know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker or Shane they'd do it quietly"Carl look down with a frown"Are they okay"Carl asked with fear"Im sure they are"Lori said rubbing his back

"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now"I looked over at Carol before I looked past her licking my lips Carol's right they should have been back"theres nothing we can do about it anyway"I looked over at Daryl"Cant run around these woods chasing echoes"

I hates how he was right we wouldn't even know ware to start"so what do we do"Lori asked holding Carl's hand "same as we've been beat the bush for Sophia work our way back to the highway"I looked over towards the highway"Im sure theyll hook up with us back at the Rv"Andrea said

Lori looked down at Carl"Come on baby"She said dragging Carl with her I stepped behind them following but a tree made us go to different spots I looked back at Andrea and Carol who went following"Im sorry for what your going through"Andrea said with a soft smile

I looked away from them"I know how you feel"I had a bad feeling about this I really did and I wish Avery was standing next to me like she always was"I supposed you do Thank you"Carol said with frown"the thought of her out here by herself it's the not knowing that's killing me"

I tryed to pu myself in her shoes if I had a daughter or a son that got lost I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about them"I just keep hoping and praying she dosan't wind up like Amy"I was thankful Avery was gone for that one she would have been really upset hearing that

"Oh God"Carol chocked out regretfull she grabed Andreas hands"Thats the worst thing I ever said"She just hurting were all want to find Sophia"were all hoping and praying with you for what it's worth"I looked over at Daryl who made his way over to Andrea and Sophia

"I'll tell you what it's worth not a damn thing its a waste of time all this hopingand praying"How could he say that to Carol I walked up to them closer just I'm case"cause we're gonna locate that little girl she's gonna be just fine"

I smiled looking down that's something I would have told Avery I was shocked he said that at first"am I the only one zen around here"Daryl walked away from them Carl was smiling at Daryls words and same with Lori I followed behind Daryl it was kinda hard to keep up with him but I managed

Rick pov

I was going crazy sat down next to Shane this ws my fault u let her come when Glenn finds out he's gonna be so worried about her"why'd I let her come with us"I said holding my bloody hands

"I should have told her to stay with Glenn"I hated how cold she felt in my arms how pale she looked"you know you start that you'll never get that money off your back"He was right I knew he was but I couldn't help but think that

I wanted to find Sophia I wanted to and Shane thinks we shouldn't look for her"Little girl goes missing you look for her simple"I cryed I was trying not to but my daughters on that bed hurt"you said call it head back"I should have listened to Shane I should have

"It dosan't matter what I said"Oh but it was he was right we should have head back together"Avey got shot because I wouldn't cut bait it should me me in there"what I was saying wasn't a lie I would be shot a thousand times to keep her safe

Shane chuckled rubbing his knuckles"you been there partner right"the pain I felt getting shot was the same pain Avery felt except worse because it was in her stomach"and you pulled through so will she"this was his plan huh gods plan how funny

"Is that why I got out of that hospital"I said looking over at shane"Found my family for it to end here like this this some kind of sick Joke"I shoted Shane shushed me since I raised my voice"you stop it"I rubbed my eyes

"Just stop"Shane said again"A little girl goes missing you look for her it's plain and simple"he nodded looking over at me

Avery pov

I woke up to random people over me and extreme pain I was crying so loudly I could here myself while a random man was digging into me I didn't see Glenn anywhere and that scared me when I spotted dad walked i cryed his name"Dad..."

The pain was horrible"Glenn"I groaned out closing my eyes i was tryingto wiggleout of this mans grasp"You hold her down"I looked over at shane who put his arm under my neck I couldn't move why couldn't I move I wanted the pain to go away

"DAD"I cryed holding Shane's back"I got her"Shane said looking down at me another shot of pain went through me and I screamed I could hear Shane shushing me but it wasn't helping it was like little knifes sticking on me every second"Almost there"I closed my eyes at the pain grabing the sheets I wanted Glenn ware was Glenn

"Almost there"The old man said at first I thought he was Dale but he wasn't and that's what really frightened me I screamed out in pain once more"STOP YOUR KILLING HER!"I heard Dad yell but it was stuffy"Rick do you want her to live"I looked up at dad begging him to have them stop

Why was he letting this happen why was Shane holding me down"he needs blood"a random woman said I layed my head on the bed my head was throbing with a headache and my eyes started to get blurry"Do it now!"Shane yelled another Knife went through me it was so much pain I didn't think I could last any longer

"GLENN!"I grunted before the pain got to much I didn't understand what was happening but the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was Shane rubbing my face

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