Chapter five-"Dixons Alive"

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Last chapter was so sweet re united with her dad and her boyfriend what a great chapter I love you guys hear another one I hope you enjoy don't forget to vote/Comment  it would tell me you like the story thank you

Sex warning

We sat around a campfire I was sitting in between Glenn's legs my back against his chest while Carl and mom were snuggled into dad on the other side as he explained how he felt

"Disoriented I geuss that's comes closest Disoriented"I sighed and leaned closer into Glenn his arm around me tightend"fear confusion all those things but"Another rumble in the sky went off

"Disoriented comes closest"I closed my eyes at the warmth I had felt"words can be meager things sometimes they fall short"Dale said  putting his cup down"I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else"

I bit my lip and looked down dad didn't have to go through that he didn't he really didn't"for a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream something I might not wake up from ever"

I grabed Glenn's hand tightly I wonder how dad feels about me and Glenn I was gonna have to ask him tommow"Mom said you died"Dad looked up at me as I frowned he then looked down at Carl then to mom

Dad smiled and looked back down at carl"She had every reason to believe that don't you ever doubt it"Mom looked up at me and I just shook my head"when things started to get bad they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the others patients to Atlanta and it never happened"

Thank god did you see that place it was horrible the walkers were everywhere the first time I went and I never went again"well I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell"I nodded slowly and leaned my head back into Glenn

"And from the looks of that hospital it got overrun"I cant believe we left dad to just be alone all alone"yeah looks don't deceive I barely got them out you know"I glared at shane I know he saved us but he'll he's on my shit list

"I can't tell you how grateful I am to you Shane I can't begin to express it"I can see regret all over mom's face she feels it I knew that when dad finds out he won't feel the way he dose now I know for a fact dad gonna be angrly

"There go those words falling short again paltry things"I chuckled at Dale shaking my head"You okay"Glenn whispered in my ear I smiled at his soft voice"Im good"I said looking up at him however my happy moment feel short

Ed threw a log into the fire and I know he knows the rules"hey Ed you want to rethink that log"Everyone turned there heads to Ed"Its cold man"Ed said back to Shane I scoffed and shook my head Glenn started to rub my shoulder up and down slightly

"The cold don't change the rules does it keep purpose fires low just embers so we can be seen from a distance right"We always had to Deal with Ed and what he does to carol is horrible of course we can't prove he did it so we can't punish him

"I said it's cold you should mind your own business for once"At that Shane stood up and I grabed Glenn's other hand tighter he still rubbed his other on my shoulder"Hey Ed"Shane said as soon as he got up to him

"Are you sure you want to have this conversation Man"I looked up at Glenn who was already looking down at me"Go on pull the damn thing out"I looked back over at Ed"Go on!"Carol stood up and walked away from us

"Christ"Shane whispered as Carol walked over and pulled it out of the fire and went back to her spot Shane stomped out the log that was on fire and croched down looking at Sophia and carol"Hey Carol Sophia how are yall this evening"shane asked in a whisper tone

"Fine we're just fine"Carol said back with a smile"okay"Carol looked over at her husband"Im sorry about thr fire"She apologized"No No no no apology needed yall have a good night okay"at that Shane stood up"I appreciate the cooperation"shane said walking past Ed

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