Chapter twelve"Dont fight sweetie"

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It's funny that I had to watch Jeffrey/Dale tour of the RV it did look like there was a double seat in the front so that's why I put Avery up there with him it felt right anyway enjoy this chapter

I bolted awake when the Rv started to surve a little"Whats going on"I asked looking around"That Damn hose"Dale said pulling to a park"Glenn grabs those Tools"Dale asked as he stepped out of the Rv

Glenn grabed the tools and we followed him out of the door ware Shane and everyone was already standing in front of it"I told you we'd never get far on that hose I said I need the one from the cube van"Dale said to dad

"Can you jury rig it"Dad asked hands on his hip I stood next to Andrea watching as smoke came from the Rv I sighed and walked away from the Rv down to mom's car I stuck my head into carls window"Hey how are you doing"I asked as he plays with action figures

"I wanted to get out but mom told me to stay"I looked over at mom with a smile"If mom said it's for the best then I think it's for the best little bro"He smiled and handed me a action figure that he had way before the world ended

It oddly looked like him in a way way to much like him"Mom why does this action figure look like carl"I asked looking over at her"It It is me"Carl said with a smile"We found someone who makes um and gave it to him for his birthday"

I looked at it with a smile"i want you to have it Avs"I looked at him shocked"I can't possibly take this"I say shaking my head"But you gave me yours if I give you mine then we'll always be with eachother"I remember the action figure that looked like me

Mom was a smiling mess"Okay thank you carl"I said smiling down at it"Im going to go check and see what going on love you"I said pulling him into a hug through his window"Love you to sis"I smiled doen at him"I love you more Carl"

I walked away from him and put the action figure in my bag"I see something up ahead"I heard Shane say as he lowered his binoculars"A gas station if we're lucky"Yeah we can maybe find food I walked up next to Glenn

"Yall Jim it's bad I don't think he can take anymore"jacki said coming out of the Rv she was quick to go back into the Rv however"Hey Rick you want to hold down the fort I'll drive ahead see what I can bring back"

I walked to the side of the Rv ware no one can see me I sat down and held my tummy do to the fact it was hurting from hunger"Yall keep your eyes open now well be right back"I heard Shane yell

"Avery"I looked up at Glenn who looked down at me"Hey"I said looking up at him"Are you okay"He said crouching down"Just hungry thought I would have some alone time"Glenn nodded slowly"Here"He pulled out a canola bar

My eyes go wide"ware did you get that"I asked looking down at it"It was in our tent you need it"Evwryone need food"Glenn everyone's hungry to I don't think its fair"Genn sighed and held it closer to me"Take it please"

I looked at it full of thought"Okay thank you"I said taking it"Im gonna give half to carl"Glenn smiled and nodded"as long as you eat I'm gonna go help Dale with the Rv"I nodded looking up at him He walked around the Rv once again

I looked down at the canola bar and started opening it I took a bit with a smile but I still felt guilty when I finished my hand I folded it back up and walked up to mom car"Hey carl"I said with a smile handing him the canola bar"ware did you get this!"Mom said sitting up

"Glenn he Forced me to eat some"I said with a smile"Thanks Avs"Carl said snapping his part in half and giving Sophia some witch I found really sweet"Avery can you stay with the kids I need to talk with Carol and mom"Dad asked mom looked at him Counfusd

"Of course yeah"He nodded and Carol and mom walked away with him I slid into the car"so how's your car ride"I asked looking back at the kids"I miss Julia"Sophia said holding her doll close to her"I miss them to but they thought it was for the best"Carl sighed and looked down

"Will we ever see um again"Carl asked with a frown"Im not sure bud I hope so"He smiled and looked down"Come with us"I looked at mom who stood next to me"W-were gonna leave Jim he wants to be left"

I closed my eyes with a sigh and stepped out"okay"Mom git thr kids out if the car and I walked up to ware Shane and dad were laying Jim down on a tree I jumped when a hand touched my back

I looked over at Glenn who had his hat off a frown on his face I smiled at him before looking down at Jim Glenn's hand still on my back"Hey another damn tree"he chuckled and I couldn't help the tears that were starting to fall how many times I'm I gonna cry this week

"Hey Jim--I mean you know it dosan't need to be this"I hated to be the one to admit it but I don't think there's a cure Jim would have died in that Rv and there may be a cure but what cure brings people back to life after they been dead for so long

"No its good the breeze feels nice"I shook my head I wanted to leave but this was Jim's final moments I feel like I should pay him respect"okay all right"Shane tapped Jim's leg before standing up Jacki croched down next to him"just close your eyes sweetie don't fight"

I looked down biting my lip Jacki kissed Jim's cheek before she stood up dad took her place"Jim do you want this"Dad asked holding out a gun"no you'll need it I'm okay"Dad stood up from his spot Dale walked up to him"Thanks for uh for fighting for us"Jim nodded

Dale's gotta be feeling this more then anyone Jim hung out most with Dale"Okay"Dale then walked away I felt Glenn's hand slip from my back and I knew he was crying I smiled st Jim and he nodded towards me before I followed Glenn

"G-Glenn"I stuttered out looking at him he was trying to hold in his tears he looked at me in my eyes He closed his eyes shut tightly before he pulled me into a hug a sob flew out of my mouth but I shut that down as soon as I could I was trying not to cry I was just sick of losing people

Glenn pulled away and raised his hand to my cheek and wipped the falling tears"lets go angle"He grabed my hand and dragged me back into the Rv back in are spots Glenn sat at the window holding my hand

Dale pulled away from the spot and we all watched Jim as we pasted him I have to keep thinking this is what he wanted even the thought of leaving him was killing me I knew this was Jim's last wish and we had to give it to him

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