Chapter Fifty four-"well need crutches"

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Dad looked behind him with shock when he noticed the five prisoners"Who the he'll are you"Daryl said stepping closer I stepped around dad and followed after him"Who the he'll are you"One of them said

"He's bleeding out we gotta go back"Dad said hershal had past out I was not great full but and the same time I was glad he was asleep so he couldn't feel pain"come around here put pressure on the knee"Dad said to Glenn who listened"Why don't you come on out of there"I keep a stern face as I held my gun up at them

"You herd him come on"The first on3 came out from behind the caged off aria he had long hair and a jumpsuit rapped around his waist"Slow and steady"Daryl warned the main leader looked me up and down and I felt really Disgusted"what happened to him"The main guy asked looking past me and Daryl

"He got bit"I froze when I saw him reach for the pistol I didn't even know he had"Bit"He said taking it from his pants"Whoa whoa easy now"Daryl warned he point the gun at T who also raised his gun I raised mine higher making the main guy point his gun at me I was trying to keep the thought our of my head that if he shot I would be dead

"Nobody needs to get hurt"Daryl said trying to calm the guy down"you have medical supplies"Glenn past in the middle of me and Daryl Daryl lifted his crossbow up so Glenn could get past Glenn went into the back to look"whoa where do you think your going"A dark skin man said to Glenn as he past him

I looked back at the door as walkers banged on it"Who the he'll are you people Anyway"The leader asked confused"Dont look like no rescue team"A ginger hair man stated"If a rescue team is what your waiting for don't"Dad said lifting Hershal"come on we gotta go"I backed up slowly still holding my gun

Glenn had pushed past us with a table with wheels"Now! come on! I need a hand here"Glenn and dad lifted Hershal onto the table"Holy Jesus!"The ginger said with shock Maggie wasn't leaving Hershal side and I wouldn't either if it were my dad"T The door!"Dad yelled as he pushed the table

"Are you crazy don't open that"A nother dark skin guy yelled"we got this"T opened the door"Daryl! Do you got these guys!"I yelled he nodded"Yeah go!"I ran up next to T and put my gun away and took out my machete T grabed the walker with armor"Avery!"T yelled As he pushed the walker

"Yeah!"I yelled pushing the walker he just pushed at me I pushed it up against the wall and held it there T ran up next to me and lifted the helmet and stabbed it making it fall"Nice!"I said backing away from it"Daryl! Daryl!"Dad yelled as he pushed Hershal down the hall"Daryl come on!"I yelled grabing the crowbar off the ground

I ran down the hall after the table"This way!"Dad yelled As we made are way down the hall the sound of walkers cut us off"Back back Daryl!"Dad yelled I was next to him as he shot the walker in front of us I ran up to it and pulled the arrow out and handed it to Daryl

"Come on!"Daryl yelled turning Around while still running forward Maggie backing up as she looked down at her dad She looked like a penguin running with the way the table was pushing her back We and Daryl ended up in the back with T next to me"Follow the flashlight"My eyes go wide the prisoners were following us

"Lets go Go go go go"Daryl whispered walking back words it didn't take us long to get back into the cell block"Hes losing to much blood Maggie said holding his leg"Open the door! It's Hershal!"Dad yelled as dad pushed the table towards the door"Carl! Come on"I was now behind Glenn hand on his back as we ran into the cell


Carl closed the door"In there"Dad yelled pointing to the cell"Turn turn turn around"We turn him around I was pushed back into the cell ware mom was at moving things out of the way"Get him on the bed He got bit"Dad said as I held Hershal"Oh my god hes gonna turn"Beth said with fear"Did you cut it off"Mom asked looking up at dad

"Yeah"I grabed his stomach"Here get him up"I said lifting him with every strength I had"Maybe you got it in time"I was hoping dad did this made me realize how much time I could have with my own dad I mean this could happen to anyone

I was next to mom"One to three"We lifted him onto the bed"Avery wares Daryl"Maggie cryed from her spot"Hes in the other room"I said laying him down"Oh God"I sighed rubbing my forehead"I need bandages"Carol begged

"We used everything we had"Glenn was scared I heard it in his voice"Well get more anything"Hershal the last couple of months have been teaching me everything he knows about healing people I didn't know enough yet for him to.....I didn't even want to say it

"Carl go get the towels from the back right next to my bed"Carl ran out of the room not wasting any time"Is he gonna die"Beth and mom have gotten pretty close that's why she turned to her mom put her hand on her cheeks"No no no he's gonna be okay he's gonna be okay"

Mom hugged her tightly"you think you can stabilize him"Dad asked next to Carol"I need to keep his leg elevated get me some pillows!"Carol yelled I put my hand on Maggie's shoulder she looked so scared"Hes already bled through the sheets"

"We can burn the wound to clot the blood I can start a fire"Glenn suggested looking up from his spot"No please don't do this"Beth cryed these pore girls no the shock could kill him"Carl came in seconds latter and handed the towels to mom

"It's not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding we need to just keep it dressed and let it heal on its own"Glenn reached over to check his pulse I closed my eyes tightly and ran out of the room everyone else was just as stressed as me but I ran from it

I ran into me and Glenns cell pacing back and forth we can't lose Hershal I don't want to lose anyone else this is reminding me so much of Amy and I didn't like it not one bit I flinched when I heard shouting from the other room god see what happens when I run away from what's going on I'm out of the loop

I grabed my own towel and ran back up to Hershal cell"Everybody stay put"dad said as I entered the cell"Avs"Dad whispered he nodded for me to follow him"Here"I handed carol my towel before I followed him"Do not leave his side"Dad told me

My lip started to Trimble"if he dies you need to be there for that"Why me why did he put this off on me"Dad why me"I asked counfused"You and maggie have become close"I licked my lip but nodded"You think you can do this"Dad wad counting on me

"I-I can do it"I stuttered I didn't want to but I had to for Maggie"I can bring T in here"Dad suggested"I got it dad I have to for Maggie"He nodded a hint of pride on his face"Good"He ran into the other room Carl followed him shutting the door"Bud are you gonna be alright"I asked as he cam back up to me

"I'm fine Avs"I nodded and ran back into the cell"Beth"She looked up at me"Come here"I walked out of the cell"Avs I don't want him to..."She whispered I peeked my head through the cell before looking back at her"He won't you gotta stay strong for Maggie"

She nodded"Come on"I pushed her back into the cell"It has to stop eventually right"I didn't like the thought that popped into my head the thought being when he's out of blood it will stop....."It's slowed down quite a bit already"Mom stood from her spot

Beth was by Maggie now I was leaned up on the doorframe"Hey"Glenn said next to me"are you okay"I gave him a soft smile"Dad put my in charge of him"I said noding towards Hershal"If we get him through this-"Mom cut carol off

"When we get him through this"I looked down with a sigh the blood on my hands bright red I didn't want it there"well need crutches"Ware are we supposed to find those they wouldn't be here would they"Right now we could use some antibiotics"

Yeah no kidding"Maybe some painkillers some sterile gauze"I added mom nodded towards me"Theres got to be an infirmary here"I should go look for it but I can't dad trusted me with Hershal"If there is well find it you've got to be worried sick about delivering the baby"

I still had a hard time grasping the thought of my mom pregnant"Look at me do I look worried"Mom turned to Carol Yes yes she did"you look disgusting"I wanted to laugh but I just couldn't not at a time like this"So do you"Well could you blame us we don't have a shower

Oh how nice a shower will be at this moment"Well get through this"Mom said as she feels Hershals head I looked around for Carl but I didn't see him I sighed hoping he wasn't getting himself into trouble

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