Chapter thirty Two"Secrets"

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I know the story line is a bit off but I had to make everything fall into place with Maggie and Daryl and Avery getting shot but I hope you can understand all of it if you need explaining I can help you I hope you like this chapter

Avery pov

I was finally able to get up I was helping Carl and mom feed chickens I threw them some seeds with a smile Mom sat down watching us and helping"Dont look so worried"Carl said throwing a hand full"Its my job"I smiled at her

"No its not your a housewife"I started laughing at Carl shaking my head"Yeah punk"Mom threw some at him"Mom are you a house wife"I asked sarcastically"You see my house around here"I chuckled noding"No but you still act like one"

Mom gasped and threw some seeds at me"You two I sware"She said shaking her head I wanted to pick up the baby's so badly I just didn't know if I should"The don't have a mother"Carl said looking down at them"I wonder the same thing"I said with a frown

"She might be somewhere else"Mom said looking around"Maybe she got eaten"My eyes go wide as I looked at Carl Carl looked over at my shocked face then over at mom's face"Everything is food for something else"It hurt me that he said that he's been different ever since I came too

Mom stood up and stepped next to me"Im gonna go find Glenn"I said whipping my hands on my pants when i found him he was looking through his binoculars at the barn"What are you looking at"I asked he brought his binoculars down

"There walkers in the barn"I gasped in fear"Its locked up they can't get us don't tell Avs I promised Maggie"I looked down"Okay I won't tell"He raised his binoculars back up and in came Maggie with a pissed off look"Could you be more obvious"

She looked over at me and placed down a basket"And you told Avery"He scoffed looking over at her"Im not gonna keep things from my girlfriend she the only one I told"Glenn said"Here enjoy"I looked down at the basket"are you trying to buy my silence with fruit"He said looking over at me the Maggie

"Of course not there's also Jerky"I snorted Glenn looked over at me Counfusd"Can you please tell me why your dad has a secret barn full of walkers"I would like to know this myself"Its creepy"I smiled at Glenn he was so adorable

"Shh"Maggie shushed him"you know that right"She shushed him again"Just trust me okay"He shook his head"But I suck at lying I can't even play poker it's to much like lying ask Avery"He said looking over at me"thats true"I said looking down

"You two have to keep this to yourselfs you have to please"Maggie looked over and me then back at Glenn she then walked away"I can't! Keep a secret"He whispered yelled looking over at me"I got your back Glenn I'll stop you before you tell them"He sighed and nodded

"Okay now let's go hand these out"I said pointing to the basket I bent down to grab it but Glenn stopped me"Dont bend over let me get it"He said picking it up we walked up to Dale who was working on putting up a sun blocker for the Rv"Dale here's some peaches for you"

Dale grabed a peach"Mm thank you Avery your looking better"I placed my hand on Glenn's pack"I am much better I'm glad to be up and around"Andrea walked out of the rv"Morning"She nodded towards ud"Morning"Me and Glenn said at the same time

We walked up next to T"Sup"He said reaching into the basket"Nothing nothing up why"I gave Glenn a really look"Glenn"I said making him nod he bent down and picked up the basket before he walked away"He didn't get alot of sleep last night"I said with a smile before I followed

"That was smoth Glenn real smoth"He shook his head we walked up to Carol"Hey Carol would you like some peaches"She smiled and took one"Thank you"She said in a soft voice reminding me so much of Sophia we stopped by every even mom who was acting strange

"Hey Glenn I'm gonna go talk to Carl over there"I said pointing at him"Okay I'll wait here"I smiled and walked up to him"hey bud"He smiled and looked up at me"How are you feeling"He asked oddly that's when I noticed something in his pants

"What do you got"He sighed and lifted hos shirt to relieve a gun"Dont tell I wanna be able to protect myself"He begged looking up at me I sighed"I won't tell but you gotta here comes Shane I would tell him"He nodded slowly"Ill see you latter"I looked over at Glenn who was holding out Jercky to my mom I walked back up to Glenn just as mom walked away"Kids man"I said with a chuckle

Glenn smiled"Here you haven't had one yet"Glenn said handing me some fruit"Thanks love"He looked down at my side"Should you go lay down"I smiled taking a bit of the fruit"Im okay Glenn I haven't been this free since I got shot"He looked down with a frown"I hate that you ever were shot"

I sighed"If I wasn't we would have never found this place right even with walkers in the barn its better then out there"He nodded and leaned in kissing me softly"Hey peach man"Shane yelled Glenn pulled away from me

We walked up to the hood of the car"Ill take suggestion on a partner"Shane said as we got up to him"See how they do on the range then take your pick"Dad looked over at Me with a smile before he grabed the apple

Glenn looked over at me and stood in his spot I looked over at Dad then Shane this was getting awkward"My binoculars"Shane said Glenn nodded"yeah oh yeah"He handed me the basket before he took the binoculars and handed it to Shane"okay bye"Glenn said grabing the basket from me and walking away

"He's uh he's low on sleep"I said following him"Glenn you need to chill out okay love"He shook his head with a groan"I feel like I should tell you something"I looked over at him Counfusd"whats that"I asked I'm not gonna lie he looked nervous"I found out Your mom's pregnant and she wont tell your dad"

My face fell"Daryl told me he's been helping her well he helped her once but he dosant want to make another run into town for her"She pregnant the timing of that is not okay that would make Shane the father

"God moms pregnant"I closed my eyes tightly"Moms pregnant were gonna need Hershsal help"I said rubbing my eyes"You guys coming"Shane yelled they were gonna go to gun training"I gotta help Dale clean the spark plugs on the Rv"Glenn said

I looked over at Dale with a sigh"he said hea gonna teach me mechanics"I should probably go look for him"He said starting to walk away"You found me"I knew Dale was there Glenn looked over at Dale with shock obviously realizing he was caught in a lie

"He's a good learner"Dale said from his spot Shane shut the back of the car and got into the vehicle Dale walked up to us waving to Shane and the others as they left"Spark plugs huh your not lying because your gonna go off together right"Dale said looking at me then Glenn

I would have said yes but Glenn beat me to it"Uh no no of course not"He stuttered"want to tell me what's going on"Dale said looking over at Me Glenn looked over at me and I knew he can't keep things from Dale I nodded towards Dale letting him know it's okay

"You're old Glenn started making me snort Glenn looked over st me realizing what he said"You're- you know things S-So..."Glenn stuttered looking over at me Dale looked over at me Counfusd"what if somebody told you something that somebody else should know"

I put my hand on Glenn's arm to stop him"Glenn stop being dramatic spit it out"Dale always makes me smile he's was an amazing man"Theres-There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant"Dale looked over at me shocked

"Averys the only other person I told but I couldn't keep it in"He said I can already tell he was feeling better"Okay let me talk to Hershal"Glenns eyes went wide"No no wait-"Dale cut him off"Ill keep your name out of it Glenn I'll say I was taking a walk and herd them"

Glenn sighed and nodded"okay thanks Dale"Dale patted Glenn's back before walking away"Listen I'm sorry I mentioned your mom"I waved him off bring him into a hug"Its alright love"He sighed and put his head in my neck"Your the best"

I still wanted to tell him I loved him but I wasn't sure if I should would it ruin things or make them even better this was something I should talk to Dale about he seems to know things like Glenn put it Maybe I should ask him what to do

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